
Pages on different topics surrounding TeamLava's Story games. Let me know if there's any topics you feel are missing from here.

Future plans: Neighbor etiquette, food spoilage/contract expired/etc information, gem traps, other languages, basic troubleshooting, galleries

Miscellaneous Tips:

When doing repetitious task, e.g. tilling/planting/harvesting in Farm and collecting/loving in Zoo2/Pet Shop but works for collecting most things (e.g. BS/RS tips and serving, all neighbors' visit tips), you only need to double click once the first time to start doing the action and then single-click on the rest. Then in iOS 5 (iPhone, iPad, iPod), you can then pull down your notifications or, for others, visit a neighbor, and all the actions will be completed at once. Won't save you the effort of clicking, but saves you from having to wait.

Food spoils (Bakery Story and Restaurant Story), contracts expire (Fashion Story, City Story, and Empire Story) and crops wither (Farm Story), drinks spoil (Nightclub Story) in the same amount of time it takes to make it. (1M items give you a bit extra leeway.) For example: In Bakery Story, Peach Cobbler takes 3 hours to make; it spoils in another 3 hours once it's finished cooking.