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Gary Watkins

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A person considering hypnosis to assist them in dealing with challenges in their life should consult an accredited practitioner who subscribes to a strict Code of Conduct

Unlocking the Healing Power of Your Mind

A brief summary of some terms

The distinction between Trance and Hypnosis


The word Induct comes from the Latin Inductus ; it's past participle Inducere meaning to " lead into "

Trance / Hypnosis Induction is the act of leading, persuading or influencing oneself or another person into a state of complete preoccupation with one's inner world.


is a time of complete preoccupation on one's inner world that leaves one in a state of

Disengaged Abstract Awareness.**

** Disengaged Abstract Awareness is being in an ( imaginary ) inner space where one is oblivious of the outside world. I

This may be called the Programmable State ; daydreaming, meditation and deep prayer are similar " states of mind ".

It is a relaxed state wherein the Conscious Mind, is " distracted " and the Subconscious Mind

is more aware.


Hypnosis is a specific form of communication that elicits or evokes certain type of language processing in subjects who are in Trance.

The Programmable State

The Programmable State is in the lower levels of Alpha and in Theta - as indicated in the diagram below - also, the ages from birth to 6 years old are critical, because what a child experiences at this stage of life can be considered pure hypnosis. as the child has no conscious frame of reference for the feelings created - these feelings form the basis of their response patterns to events in their life as they grow older.

Everything observed ( beliefs, attitudes and behaviours ) in their parents, become " hard wired " as synaptic pathways in their Subconscious Minds.

Response patterns can be likened to learnt behaviours or habits and they form what can be termed a data base, in the Subconscious Mind.

Once programmed into the Subconscious Mind, they control our biology for the rest of our lives, or at least until we make the effort to reprogram them.

For example: becoming depressed is a response pattern - so is staying depressed.

The following diagram is based on the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and his book, " The Biology Of Belief,

He states " In reality the Subconscious Mind is an emotionless data base of stored programs, whose function is strictly concerned with reading environmental signals and engaging in hardwired behavioural programs , no questionsasked, no judgements made ".