Question everything ; for how else will you learn ?

The meaning of Induction

The word Induct comes from the Latin Inductu meaning to " lead into ".

Hypnotherapy / / Hypnosis Induction is the act of leading, persuading or influencing a person or oneself into a state of complete preoccupation with one's inner world.

The meaning of Trance

Trance is a time of complete preoccupation on one's inner world that leaves one in a state of Disengaged Abstract Awareness.**

** Disengaged Abstract Awareness is being in an ( imaginary ) inner space where one is oblivious of the outside world.

This may be called the Programmable State ; daydreaming, meditation and deep prayer are similar " states of mind ".

The meaning of Programmable State

The Programmable State is in the lower levels of Alpha and in Theta.

The ages from birth to 6 years old are critical, because what a child experiences at this stage of life can be considered pure hypnosis. as the child has no conscious frame of reference for the feelings created.

These feelings form the basis of their response patterns to events in their life as they grow older.

Everything observed ( beliefs, attitudes and behaviours ) in their parents become " hard wired " as synaptic pathways in their Subconscious Minds.

If beneficial patters of behaviour are observed all well and good ; however, limiting and abusive patterns created will impact negatively as a child develops into adulthood

The meaning of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a specific form of communication that creates a certain type of

language processing or response in subjects who are in Trance.

This language processing could be of suggestions made in therapy , or the words of a song one is enthralled by or ideas that appear whilst one is daydreaming.

Is Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy dangerous ?

No, hypnosis is a natural state which hypnotherapy utilises to benefit the client.

An ethical practitioner will assess the needs of the client - in consultation with the client -and in this way address the relevant issues properly.

However, in the unlikely event that a client works with an inept practitioner for a

significant period of time, it would be possible for the client to feel worse off

than before they sought assistance.

It would be like constantly being in the presence of negative people ; eventually one could become negative too.

this holds true for any healing modality and therefore a client should elect to work with an accredited practitioner, who takes the time to explain the process and is open to any queries or concerns.

Does Hypnosis contradict my religion ?

No, hypnosis is a natural state which hypnotherapy utilises to benefit the client.

Hypnotherapy is a neutral healing modality.

Consult an ethical. accredited practitioner whose approach is client centered

and thus respects all religious beliefs accordingly.

Is Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy mind control ?

No, the client always has a level of awareness and no suggestions would

that are against the values, morals or safety of the client.

Gary discusses the relevant suggestions that are going to be made in the session, with his client, and , in certain instances encourages client input in this regard.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis in that the client is allowing it, and if at any point a client felt uncomfortable with the process they would quite simply bring themselves out.

Mind control exists in the fields of brainwashing and indoctrination, which are clearly not consistent with therapy or healing.

Can a person get " stuck " in hypnosis ?

No, hypnosis is a natural state and if a client is left in this space they will quite

naturally come out on their own accord in about twenty minutes or so.

If a person is working with self hypnosis they may drift off to sleep, from which

they will awaken normally.

How long is a session ?

A Thoughtfieldhypnosis initial consultation is normally about two hours.

Subsequent sessions are about an hour and a half.

The actual time in hypnosis normally varies between 20 to 30 minutes.

How many sessions will be required ?

This is very much dependent on the particular issues being addressed.

Also, the client following suggestions made by the therapist during hypnosis:

will reinforce the process and affect the number of sessions.

For example: making new, beneficial lifestyle choices and changing limiting behaviours ( creating new habits ) will bring the body and mind into alignment to achieve the desired outcome.

Deeper issues may take 3 - 6 sessions, while others only one or two.

Different clients respond at a different pace than others.

Can I get more specific information on what I wish to address before my appointment ?

Yes certainly - please submit any queries you may have by using the Client Intake Form page, stating your specific questions and Gary will address these for you.

Alternately, you are welcome to email, message or call Gary.

NB: Please remember that all information received from clients or potential clients is treated as private and confidential.