Quotations / Sayings

    1. Rev Run: "Good morning. Look for the GOOD in the people in your life. Don't be a excessive complainer. Remember, a fault finder will find faults in paradise!"

    2. Rev. Run: "Good morning. There's nothing more draining than putting off a task and knowing that it MUST be done..Just Do It!"

    3. R. Marston: "Have an impact, Make a difference, Let today know you were here!"

    4. Julia Roberts: "Haven't you ever picked up a picture of yourself from, like, five years ago, and you look at yourself and you just go, 'And I had no appreciation for how lovely I looked, how fit and healthy I looked.' So now I say, 'Now listen. Ten years from now, you're really going to think you should have appreciated yourself more.' "

    5. Julia Roberts: "It's so easy to be really, truly happy, and so easy to forget that and get grumpy."

    6. Spanish Saying: "It's better to walk alone than with bad company."

    7. Tennessee Gock: "A world with true equality and fairness will have no grievance but peace and harmony."

    8. Tennessee Gock: "Complaining is good for our systems, but whining is just plain annoying."

    9. Anonymous/Unknown: "Rules without relationship breed rebellion."

    10. Anonymous/Unknown: "People may not remember exactly what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

    11. Anonymous/Unknown: "God created family so you don't have to fight with strangers."

    12. Anonymous/Unknown: "Most people walk in and out of your life.....but True Friends leave footprints in your heart."

    13. Anonymous/Unknown: "Do what makes you happy...be with those who make you smile...laugh as much as you breathe...love as much as you live."

    14. Anonymous/Unknown: "Seek excellence, success will follow." “追求卓越,成功自會找上門來。”

    15. Anonymous/Unknown: "Apologizing: Does not always mean you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value the relationship more than your ego ."

    16. While giving encouraging words to the at-risk youth whom she mentors at the Phoenix House using songwriting as therapy, Singer/Songwriter Kara Dioguardi said, "You can do it! You don't need darkness to create the light."

    17. Anonymous/Unknown: "Life does not put things in front of you that you are unable to handle."

  1. Dalai Lama: "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito."

    1. From a commercial: "Men, easier fed than understood." To be fair, there is another similar saying about women: "To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all." See more jokes on men and women in "Smart or Dumb" in my Funny Stuff page under Health & Wellness.

  2. Mahatma Gandhi: "Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."

  3. Mark Twain: "Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." New!!

    1. 龍應台:“我的夢想是希望中國人的下一代可以在任何一個晚上站在任何一個地方說出心裏想說的話,而心中沒有任何恐懼。我們這一代人所做的種種努力也不過是希望我們的下一代將來會有免於恐懼的自由。”

  4. 汪涵:“收藏七個階段:第一個階段叫放眼望之,滿眼都是真貨;第二個階段,掌握一點知識後,滿眼都是假貨;第三個階段是真偽莫辨;第四個階段就是貪癡滿懷,滿眼都是誘惑;第五個階段是心生歡喜,不言對錯,我高興就可以;第六個階段就是煙雲轉逝,看一下就夠;最後的一個階段叫萬物皆空,一笑而過。”

    1. NOTE: 本人深有體會,因爲我也喜歡搞一些收藏。 但其實這些話語不單指物件,也可指仰慕的人和事。

    2. 證嚴法師 靜思語錄:

    3. http://www.theqi.com/buddhism/essay29.html

    4. http://penguin0211.myweb.hinet.net/janyan/main.htm

    5. 臺灣偶像劇“醉後決定愛上你”中精彩對白之一

    6. 深情告白:“就是這種勇氣!以後不管發生什麼事情,不管是誰先放開誰的手,或是誰留在原地,我們都要像現在一樣,不要臉的拉住對方的手。我要以後我們的愛情裡沒有尊嚴,只有相守一生的執着,好嗎?”

    7. 臺灣偶像劇“醉後決定愛上你”中精彩對白之二

    8. 真愛:“有人說:愛一個人不是因爲他是誰,而是在他面前你可以是誰。即使不小心暴露了自己不美好的一面,他還是可以無條件接受,這就是真愛。”

  5. Anonymous/Unknown: "Freedom isn't about doing what we want, rather, it is about 'not doing' what we don't want." “真正的自由不是想做什麽就做什麽,而是不想做什麽就不做什麽!”New!!

  6. Forgot whose blog this is from:“誠實待人不是裝好人。而是懶。因爲要想更多謊言去掩蓋一些謊言太累,划不來!還是老老實實做人更輕鬆自在!”New!!

  7. Forgot whose blog this is from:“這個世界很煩亂…充斥着太多虛僞和無聊。只能堅持信念去做好應做的事。尋求自己的理想!我極少去打擾別人,所以無聊的人最好也別來打擾我。 晚安!”New!!

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