Expert voices

In this section experts talk about telecollaboration from different perspectives.

Martine Derivry from the University of Bordeaux and Transit Lingua and Begoña Clavel Arroitia from the University of Valencia, talk about the intercultural and communicative dimensions of telecollaboration.

Linda Gijsen from Utrecht University and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, focuses on task engagement in telecollaboration.

Evelyn Spruyt from the University of Antwerp stresses the importance of good task design for an effective and successful telecollaboration project.

Petra Hoffstaedter and Kurt Kohn from Link describe how different needs can be catered for by using different telecollaboration tools with specific affordances.

Elina Vilar and Nick Zwart show an amazing example of gamified learning in the TeCoLa virtual world: a Treasure Hunt.