Video Guides for Teachers

Our Video Guides for Teachers have been developed to help you, language and CLIL teachers working at primary, secondary and vocational education contexts, integrate telecollaboration exchanges in your teaching. You learn:

  • why telecollaboration should be integrated in the curriculum
  • how to start telecollaboration exchanges
  • how to organise sessions by resorting to flipped classrooms
  • how to address diversity and differentiation issues
  • how to create engaging tasks
  • how to gamify tasks in a virtual world
  • how to address intercultural issues
  • how to organise telecollaboration exchanges at primary schools

Getting started with telecollaboration

Why should telecollaboration exchanges be a part of language courses

In this video guide we describe the added value of integrating telecollaboration project in the languages curriculum.

Handout: Download it here

How to start a telecollaboration project

This guide gives an overview of different steps and tips to follow when you want to set up a telecollaboration exchange for your students.

Handout: Download it here

Blended language learning and the flipped classroom

A blended language learning and flipping the classroom approach help to enhance intercultural communication in telecollaboration exchanges.

Handout: Download here

Telecollaboration in lingua franca and tandem constellations

Two complementary language constellations can be adopted in intercultural telecollaborations, namely TANDEM and LINGUA FRANCA.

Handout: Download here

Learner diversity & pedagogical differentiation

Telecollaboration tools and pedagogical differentiation

This guide illustrates how to support pedagogical differentiation and scaffolding by giving students the choice between different tool environments for oral or written intercultural communication.

Handout: Download PDF

Telecollaboration, learner diversity and cooperative learning

In this guide we talk about how to cope with learner diversity by adopting a collaborative learning approach in intercultural communication in telecollaboration exchanges.

Handout: View or download PDF

Task engagement and task design

Task engagement in telecollaborative encounters

This guide shows how teachers can engage their learners in tasks during online intercultural collaborative activities. The pedagogical tips & tricks given here can make your telecollaborative experience into a success.

Subtitles in French & Spanish (click on settings > video settings > subtitles > choose the language)

Characteristics for telecollaborative tasks that can help boost learner engagement

This guide gives an overview of different layers you can add to your telecollaborative tasks that can help boost learner engagement, for example by hiding the actual learning goal.

Handout: Download it here

Using psychology to create motivating tasks

Based on "Characteristics of telecollaborative tasks that can help boost learner engagement", this guide further explains the potential of varying the different activity types and using basic psychology to create more engagement and motivation for your students.

Handout: Download it here

Varying task autonomy to create more engaging tasks

Based on "Characteristics of telecollaborative tasks that can help boost learner engagement", this guide further explains the potential of varying the different degrees of task autonomy to create more engagement and motivation for your students.

Handout: Click here


The TeCoLa gamification strategy draws on the gamification potential of the TeCoLa Virtual World. It particularly uses actual games as well as learning stations and paths for gamifying real-world intercultural communication activities.

Example of the game Snakes and Ladders in the Virtual World

This guide shows how to play the game Snakes and Ladders in Chatterdale, our English Virtual World. Watch it and you are ready to play! The game is also available in the other language villages in the TeCoLa Virtual World.

Here are some support materials:

Teacher guide handout: View or Download

Task Descriptions: (ENG - DE - FR - ES)

Worksheet: ES

Example of a Treasure Hunt game in the Virtual World

This guide starts with an introduction to gamification and shows how to play the Treasure Hunt in our Virtual Valencia. Our Treasure Hunt is a great activity to practise your Spanish.

Here are some support materials:

Teacher Guide handout: View or download

Task Description: View or download

Teacher Worksheet: View or download

Student Worksheet: View or download

Learning Stations in the TeCoLa Virtual World

Find out how to use or create learning stations in a the TeCoLa Virtual World for engaging intercultural encounters between students from different countries.

View or download PDF

Task examples using learning stations:

Learning Paths in the TeCoLa Virtual World

Learning stations can be extended into learning paths.

Handout: View or download PDF

Learning path example "An interesting sport"

This guide shows an example of a learning path for learners of English.

You can also view or download task descriptions for learning paths in the TeCoLa Virtual World:

The following guides show how to use the TeCoLa Gamify tools to create or edit learning stations and learning paths in the TeCola Virtual World.

Intercultural Issues

The intercultural approach in telecollaboration

This guide provides an overview of the Intercultural Approach in Telecollaboration: its importance, advantages, and organisation.

Click here to download the handout

European citizenship through telecollaboration

This guide provides an overview of the Intercultural Approach in Telecollaboration within a European context. It presents the link between the Intercultural Approach and European Citizenship.

Click here to download the handout

What is an intercultural task

This guide offers a brief description of an Intercultural Task in Telecollaboration through a TeCoLa task about breakfast and how it can support an Anthropological Approach.

Click here to download the handout

The experience journal

This guide provides a brief description of what an Experience Journal (EJ) is and how it is a necessary task to develop an anthropological approach within a pedagogical intercultural objective

Click here to download the handout

Telecollaboration and Content and Language Integrated Learning

A telecollaboration perspective on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

This guide described the possibilities of enriching Content and Language Integrated Learning by integrating intercultural telecollaboration exchanges.

Handout: view or download pdf

Telecollaboration in primary schools

Telecollaboration in a primary school context

This guide provides an overview of our experiences using telecollaboration with primary school learners. It includes the organisation of the partnerships, the challenges arising from the different educational contexts in each partnership, some ideas for tasks and activities for primary school teachers and, finally, comments from teachers and pupils who were actually involved in the partnerships.

Click here to download the handout

CLIL through telecollaboration in a primary school context

This guide provides a brief description of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in general, CLIL in Europe, the reasons for its popularity and, finally, an example of a CLIL partnership between primary schools in France and Spain.

Click here to download the handout