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Recent Publications by SMRG Members

Adam Lucas

Wind, Water, Work: ancient and medieval milling technology

Brill, Leiden, 2006. (429 pp., 38 black & white illust.)

For more deatils, please see the entry at the Brill website: Wind, Water, Work

Adam Lucas

Industrial Milling in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: A Survey of the Evidence for an Industrial Revolution in Medieval Europe

Technology and Culture, Volume 46, No. 1, pp. 1-30 (Johns Hopkins University Press).

Adam Lucas

Book Review of Roberta J. Magnusson, Water technology in the Middle Ages: Cities, Monasteries, and Waterworks after the Roman Empire (2001)

in Journal of Early Medieval Europe, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2002), pp. 75-6 (Blackwell).

Adam Lucas

The role of the monasteries in the development of medieval milling

in Steven A. Walton (ed.), Wind and Water: Medieval Fluid Technologies, Pennsylvania State University Medieval Studies Series, Vol. 15, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe (AZ) [forthcoming].

Adam Lucas

Book Review of Francesc Rela.)Bño, The Shaping of Africa: cosmographic discourse and cartographic science in late medieval and early modern Europe (2004)

in British Journal for the History of Science [forthcoming].

Adam Lucas

Book Review of John Langdon, Mills in the Medieval Economy: England 1300 -1540 (2004), in Metascience [forthcoming].

Michael Newth:

Heroes of the French Epic : A Selection of Chansons de Geste

Narrative poems of heroic deeds, going beyond the Chanson de Roland: Gormont and Isembart, The Song of William, Charlemagne's Pilgrimage, Raoul of Cambrai, Girart of Vienne and The Knights of Narbonne. To view this item, go to: Heroes of the French Republic. A browse around the mediaeval and humanities offerings of Boydell & Brewer may also be rewarding.

Amazon price $50.00 (special discount $31.50), usually ships in 4 - 6 weeks.

Michael Newth:

Translation of Aymeri of Narbonne: A French Epic Romance

This volume contains the first English translation of Aymeri de Narbonne, one of the finest epic poems of mediaeval France. To view this item, go to: Aymeri of Narbonne at Amazon. Other offerings that may be of interest to SMRG members can be viewed at Italica Press.

Amazon price $17.50, usually ships in 2 - 5 weeks.

Barbara Ross:

Accounts of the Stewards of the Talbot Household at Blakemere 1392-1425

The Talbots of Blakemere, near Whitchurch in Shropshire were among the leading families of the Welsh Marches in the late Middle Ages and became earls of Shrewsbury in 1442. Their household stewards kept financial records of everything purchased for daily consumption of the family and their retainers, including food, drink, spices, clothing and hardware and for their journeys on estate family and political business.

Eight accounts have survived and are dated between 1392 and 1425. Barbara has translated them from the Latin with an introduction, glossary, bibliography and indexes.


Translated and edited by Barbara Ross, volume 7 in the Shropshire Record series.

The series website is at

HISBN 0 9536020 4 4

Price: 20 pounds sterling (approximately)

Available: End of November, 2003

M. R. Glozier:

The Huguenot Soldiers of William of Orange and the Glorious Revolution of 1688

This book provides the first full-scale, scholarly analysis of the political, religious and social rationale which underlay Huguenot support for William of Orange in 1688. In the context of the Huguenot exodus from France and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the role of the Huguenot soldiers within an international Protestant political context is explained through the use of rich biographical detail. By examining William of Orange's role as an international Protestant politician, his relationship with the Elector of Brandenburg and Britain's James II, and the response of all three to the persecution of the Huguenots, the international significance of confessional faith to the events of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 is explained. Special attention is given to the role played by the most prominent Protestant soldiers of William's army, the Huguenot refugees and the British soldiers of the Anglo-Dutch Brigade.


229 + 152 mm, 240 pp.

Hardcover ISBN 1 902210 82 4

Price: $AU355 $US75

Sussex Academic Press,

Box 2950, Brighton,


Fax +44 (0) 1273 621262

Jon Marshall

Jung, Alchemy and History, Magnum Opus Hermetic Research Series No. 12.

Alchemy was one of the most important cosmologies and practices of the Renaissance and Early Modern Period. One of the prime ways of interpreting alchemy in the last hundred years has been through the extensive writings on the subject by the psychologist C.G. Jung. This book gives a short history of alchemy and a critical discussion of Jung's interpretations, making use of the extensive scholarship which has emerged since his death. It becomes clear that although Jung gained many insights from the work of alchemists, it is doubtful whether his writings completely clear the mysteries of the texts themselves.

Michael A.H. Newth

The Song of Roland from a manuscript of the second quarter of the 12th century.

The Song of William from the sole thirteenth century copy.

These two books are translations of early French chansons de geste and because publications of works of this type are rare since the demise of such bodies as The Early English Text Society, this is an excellent opportunity to enhance your library.

The price is $20.00 each plus $5.00 postage and packaging.


Email ( is preferred, or

Michael Newth, P.O. Box 52, Douglas Park, NSW 2569 (Tel. 4632-7000)

Beverley Sherry

"John Martin's Apocalyptic Illustrations to Paradise Lost", in Milton and the Ends of Time: Essays on the Apocalypse and the Millennium, ed. Juliet Cummins, CUP

"A 'paradise within' can never be 'happier farr': reconsidering the archangel Michael's consolation in Paradise Lost", Milton Quarterly, vol. 37 (2003): pp.77-91

Review of Stanley Fish's 'How Milton Works', (Harvard University Press, 2001), AUMLA, no.99 (May 2003): pp.125-29.

Edited by S.G. St.Clair-Kendall and John C. Hay:

The Lone Wolf: Last of the Old Time Prospectors,

The Autobiography of Sam Elliott.

Sam Elliott learned his mining trade in the rugged mountains of north-eastern New South Wales. He also learned to live alone and survive where others would die. In 1937, he saddled his two faithful horses and rode for eighteen months until he reached Cooktown in Far North Queensland. When Sam found the Palmer River in 1939 he made it his home. For the next half century he found adventure, mystery, the remains of a bygone era - and gold! This is his story.


ISBN 0 9577946 2 2

208 pp: illustrated

Mareeba Historic Society

9, Toll Close,

Mareeba, Queensland 4880

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