Calendar of Events

This page lists SMRG Inc. events.  Only general information about venues is available on the web site. Details are provided to all members by email.  So if you are interested in attending any or all of our functions, please contact the SMRG Inc Secretary at SMRG's email address for full address and time details for each talk.

Most events are talks, with finger food and drinks, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month unless otherwise specified. Charge is usually a "gold" coin per person.

Other events that may be of interest to SMRG members.

Monthly Events

Plans have of course had to change due to COVID-19.  Talks are either purely by Zoom, or a mixture of Zoom and a limited number of attendees face to face.

Unless otherwise noted, start times are 7pm for 7:30pm, Sydney time: Australian Eastern Standard time (UTC+10, or UTC+11 in Daylight Savings periods).

Planning for the 2024 talks is almost complete. 

Planning for the 2023 talks is now complete.

Schedule of talks for 2022 is now complete.


See below for older calendar entries.  Note that SMRG began in 1963, and only began using the internet to help organise the monthly talks from 2001.
















Talks available online

Lecture by Roberta Perkins on "God's Messengers in the New World: Early 16th Century Spanish Friars in America and Jesuit Missionaries in Hispanic America, Brazil and New France"

Lecture by Roberta Perkins on "Sex Working in the Middle Ages: Early Christianity to the Renaissance"

Lecture by Roberta Perkins on "Sex Working in Early Modern Times: The Renaissance to the Enlightenment"

Monster Day

SMRG Inc. held a day seminar on Monsters in Medieval and Renaissance Europe on Sunday, 22nd July, 2001

The speakers included

Dr Kendall St.Clair,on Monsters: Etymology: history of meaning, exemplary tales.

Matthew Glozier, M.Phil. on Heraldic Monsters

Helen Kaye-Watts, B.A. on Vampyres and Werewolves

Dr Jon Marshall on Apparitions: ghosts, devils, faeries and wild events and

Prof. Sybil Jack on Real-Life Monsters

Special Meetings

Minutes of AGM 2001

Minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of 2001

Minutes of the AGM for 2003

Minutes of the EGM for 2003

Minutes of the AGM for 2004



Any questions, suggestions or corrections for this page should be directed to the Webmanager.

Disclaimer and Copyright Information

2005 SMRG Inc.