

The English<>German translation database used by SOS is primary based on my work and secondary on its users' contributions. This is an invitation to contribute time and knowledge to improve everyone's Swiss legal vocabulary!

Your contribution will be visible instantly. The resulting vocabulary database can be downloaded anytime and used by everybody for free, so you can be sure that your work will not be lost. If you have a few minutes to spare, spend it in a useful way by helping thousands (maybe one day, hopefully :-)) of other people every day!


    1. You can sort and browse the Legal English Dictionary.

    2. To correct or amend an entry, please click the "Edit" or "Bearbeiten" button.

    3. You will need to sign in to edit since I have made some bad experiences.

    4. To add an entry, please click on the "Add" or "Hinzufügen" button.

    5. Unfortunately, there is no search function yet. If you contribute a lot, I will certainly make one available.

Please note: If you make an entry, I will always receive an email and review your input. I will delete any suspect entry without prior notice.

Thank you for your contribution! Click here to get back to the Legal English Dictionary.