
ThrustPitchAngle - angle the unit leans forward or backwards with thrust

StrafeRollAngle - angle the unit leans left or right with strafe

BankAngle - angle the unit leans into turns

Soldiers and vehicles have different names for the same thing, which may be leading to some confusion.

Soldier: MaxTurnSpeed, MaxPitchSpeed

Vehicle: TurnRate, PitchRate

When you add passenger slots to a vehicle, you need to put them below the camera track settings (EyePointOffset, TrackCenter, TrackOffset, TiltValue, MoveTension, AimTension). Otherwise, the passenger slots steal them.

I've integrated the Halo-style turn acceleration into all unit and vehicle types, and increased the default filter values to tighten up the controls. It seems to be working pretty well so far, but it works best if the pitch rate is relatively modest (around 0.5). Have fun! :)

You can now specify whether a unit (or vehicle) can capture command posts:

CapturePosts = 1 (yes)

CapturePosts = 0 (no)

Soldiers and droidekas capture by default, while everything else does not. I checked in new hero ODFs with capture turned off, as requested.

I've added a flag to the config files that allows you to specify that a particular unit does have its current task interrupted by combat if it encounters an enemy. An example of a vehicle that takes advantage of this is all_hover_speederbike, which we want to just whiz past any enemies that it encounters on its way to a command post.

Here's the flag:

NoCombatInterrupt = 1

By default, of course, all units will be interrupted by combat, so you do not need to do anything with the flag. So far, I've added it to two unit configs:



One vehicle per command post will now be ignored by the AI (hence left for a player). For vehicles such as the ATAT, which we do not want to leave behind, you can add the following to the odf:

ReserveOneForPlayer = "0"

Just a reminder that if you don't want a particular npc class (gungen/ewok/etc) to get into vehicles, add the following to its odf:

NoEnterVehicles = 1

I have added a new odf flag, "MovingTurnOnly". It is to be used for vehicles that look bad when they turn on the spot, such as the cis_tread_hailfire (wheel tank). If you set:

MovingTurnOnly = 1

then, in combat, it will always make sweeping turns, rather than on-the-spot turns.

I've already updated several vehicles to use this.

This mainly concerns Joe and Wally, but you can now set the field of view for the first and third person perspectives via the ODFs. The flags are

FirstPersonFOV = somedegreehere

ThirdPersonFOV = somedegreehere

With the default fov being 48. Some things may need to be adjusted once their FOV's are set. (If soldier first person is changed, I'll need to go in and change the offset, for the vehicle, the cockpit may need some tweaking, etc.)


WARNING: Higher FOV will lower the framerate(you see more, thus render more), I may end up disabling FOV changes on the ps2 if it ends up being too slow.