
You can now explicitly set the friend/neutral/enemy status of teams. Note that this relationship is one-way!

SetTeamAsEnemy(<this team>, <other team>)

SetTeamAsNeutral(<this team>, <other team>)

SetTeamAsFriend(<this team>, <other team>)

By default, team 0 treats all teams as neutral. All other teams treat team 0 as neutral, themselves as friend, and other teams as enemy.

Team 0: N N N N

Team 1: N F E E

Team 2: N E F E

Team 3: N E E F

Command posts now support a new spawn path for allied teams:

AllyPath = "<path name>"

The owner of the command post spawns at the standard spawn path. Allies cannot spawn at a path with no ally path.

If the local team is friendly to neither team 1 nor team 2, it will capture command posts for itself.

If the local team is friendly to either team 1 or team 2, it will capture command posts for that team, and then spawn from the ally path (if any).

If the local team is friendly to both team 1 and team 2, it will not capture command posts at all.

Instead of using hardpoints, you can just set up positions directly:



SpawnPointCount = <count>

SpawnPointLocation = "<x offset> <y offset> <z offset> <rotation angle>"

Two new command post types for you:

ClassLabel = "commandhover"

ClassLabel = "commandbuildingarmed"

Re: Command Centers

RespawnTime and DestroyedGeometryName pretty much eliminate the need for a vehicle spawn unless you need to do some team change tricks.

I've just checked in code to take advantage of two new hint types: snipe hints and patrol hints:

Snipe hints are used by scout units. These units now behave differently to troopers. They make their way to an enemy command post, but will always try to find snipe hints to hide out at.

If they encounter an enemy whilst making their way to a hint/command post, they will stop and try to engage at long range (with their snipe weapon). If the enemy gets close, they will pull out a pistol (if equipped) and retreat, trying to get out of close range.

If the scout reaches a snipe hint he will look in the orientation defined by the hint and try to take out enemy targets. He will only evacuate the hint if an enemy gets close.

Patrol hints are used by most unit types. Upon reaching a command post, units will move between patrol hints at random.

The following properties need to be set in the editor for each snipe hint:

CommandPostName - the command post is this hint associated with.

Primary Stance - what stance the scout will be in when sniping

The following properties need to be set in the editor for each patrol hint:

CommandPostName - the command post is this hint associated with.

Primary Stance - what stance the scout will be in when it reaches the patrol hint.