
ClassLabel          = "hover" // Defines the class label for the game engine to expose properties

GeometryName = "cis_hover_aat.msh" // Defines the mesh for Zeroeditor when placed as an object


GeometryName = "cis_hover_aat" // Sets name of mesh file to use for vehicle

Explosion = "cis_hover_aat_exp" // Sets name of odf file to call when vehicle dies

// Some vehicles have a slow death, the ATAT for example has a long death animation attached to it
// -- the ATAT reaches critical health, crumbles to it's knees, then finally explodes; flyers can die
// -- but go spinning off before exploding...
//--in which case the ExplosionCritical and ExplosionDestruct are used
ExplosionCritical   = "cis_hover_aat_exp"   // Sets name of odf file to call when vehicle reaches critical health
ExplosionDestruct   = "cis_hover_aat_exp"   // Sets name of odf file to call when vehicle finally explodes
VehicleType         = "light"   // Defines the vehicle type for ???????
AISizeType          = "MEDIUM"  // Defines the size of the AI for planning graphs
MapTexture          = "aat_icon"    // Defines the tga file used on map for vehicle
MapScale            = 1.5   // Defines the scale of the icon on the map
HealthTexture       = "HUD_cis_aat_icon"    // Defines the tga used for the vehicle health icon
WaterEffect         = "waterwake_lg"    // Defines the common particle effect for when vehicle goes through water
FLYERSECTION        = "BODY"    // Defines the primary section of the vehicle occupied by pilot
VehiclePosition     = "common.vehiclepositions.pilot"   // Defines the pilot position for localization
FirstPerson         = "cishq\cishq;cis_1st_cockpit_AAT" // Defines the path to the fpm folder/lvl/sub-lvl
FirstPersonFOV      = "52" // Sets the first person field of view
CockpitTension      = 22    // Sets the tension of the cocpit camera
CollisionScale      = 4 // Sets the damage resulting from collision
CollisionThreshold  = 5 // Sets the threshold of impact before damage occuers
MaxHealth           = 6600.0    // Sets teh vehicle's max health
HealthType          = "vehicle" // Sets the health type for a vehicle, used for ?????????
//HitLocation       = "p_crithit 0"
SetAltitude         = 0.5   // Sets the default hover altitude
GravityScale        = 4.0   // Sets the mass of the vehicle
LiftSpring          = 4.0   // Sets the spring in the hover
LiftDamp            = 3.0   // Sets the cushion of the spring on subsequent bounces
Acceleration        = 5.25  // Sets the rate of acceleration m/s
Deceleration        = 7.0   // Sets the rate of decelleration m/s 
Traction            = 20.0 // Sets the percent to decrease acceleration rate when starting from zero
ForwardSpeed        = 12.0 // Sets the maxspeed m/s
ReverseSpeed        = 10.0  // Sets the max reverse speed m/s
StrafeSpeed         = 4.5   // Sets the max strafe speed m/s
// The following sections tweak the bounce 
AddSpringBody       = "-1.6 1.9 1.95 2.5"  // "[X Y Z Scale]"
BodySpringLength    = 0.3
AddSpringBody       = "1.6 1.9 1.95 2.5"
BodySpringLength    = 0.3
AddSpringBody           = "0.0 2.15 -1.6 3.5"
BodySpringLength        = 0.8
BodyOmegaXSpringFactor  = 2
VelocitySpring      = 5
VelocityDamp        = 2.5
OmegaXSpring        = 1.0
OmegaXDamp          = 3.0
OmegaZSpring        = 4.0
OmegaZDamp          = 1.5
SpinRate            = 1.7   // Sets the rate of turn for the vehicle is turning but not moving
TurnRate            = 1.7   // Sets the rate of turn for the vehicle when turning while moving
TurnFilter          = 5.0   // Sets a tension in the rate of turn to make it ramp up 
PitchRate           = 0.5   // Sets the rate of pitching the vehicle
PitchFilter         = 1.0   // Sets the rate ramping up the pitch when starting a tilt
PitchDamp           = 1.0   // Sets the rate slowing down the vehicle when stopping a tilt
//SpinRate          = 2.7
//TurnRate          = 1.7
//TurnFilter        = 5.0
//PitchRate         = 2.5
//PitchFilter       = 1.0
//PitchDamp         = 1.0
StrafeRollAngle     = 0.01  // Angle the vehicle rolls when strafing
ThrustPitchAngle    = 0.0   // Picth of the vehicle caused by thrusting forward
BankAngle           = -0.01 // Angle of the vehicle when banking
BankFilter          = 3     //low is slow - How quickly the bank returns to level
LevelSpring         = 2.0   //low is slow - the force the restores level
LevelDamp           = 1.0   //low is slow - the force that reduces the momentum of the rotation
PCPitchRate         = "15.0" // may be obsolete, otherwise these settings are used on PC
PCSpinRate          = "15.0"// may be obsolete, otherwise these settings are used on PC    
PCTurnRate          = "20.0"// may be obsolete, otherwise these settings are used on PC
//Camera settings for vehicle position
// Think of camera as fixed on one end of long stick balanced on a cone 
//-- on one end is camera, other end is focal point, cone at center can be shifted
//-- camera is eyepoint; TrackOffset is focal point; Trackcenter is cone position; tilt value is tilt on pole
EyePointOffset      = "0.0 2.5 -2.0"  // Camera position from vehicle origin x,y,z
TrackCenter         = "0.0 5.0 0.0"   // Camera tilt axis from vehicle origin x,y,z
TrackOffset         = "0.0 0.0 10.0"  // Camera Focal Point from vehicle origin x,y,z    
TiltValue           = "5.0"           // How much camera can tilt
PitchLimits         = "-30 20" // How far camera swings when pitching in degrees
YawLimits           = "-90 90"  // How far camera swings when tilting in degrees
// Each body section or turret section can be occupied by a unit
// -- if a body or turret section has more than one weapon, they are defined by WEAPONSECTION headers
// -- when a section has more than one weapon, section 1 is the primary fire and section 2 the secondary fire
WeaponName          = "cis_weap_hover_aat_cannon" // Odf name of weapon
WeaponAmmo          = 0 // Amount of ammo or clips in weapon 0 is infinite
AimerNodeName       = "side_gun_1"  // Hardpoint name in mesh that acts as camera point for aimer
AimerPitchLimits    = "-30.0 90.0"  // Sets pitch movement limits on aimer in degrees
AimerYawLimits      = "-30.0 10.0"  // Sets yaw movement limits on aimer in degrees
BarrelNodeName      = "recoil_1"    // Sets name of object in mesh to use as gun barrel to animate recoil
BarrelRecoil        = 0.25          // Sets amount of recoil to apply to object defined as barrel
FirePointName       = "hp_gun_2"    // Sets the name of the hardpoint in the mesh where the shot comes from
NextAimer           = "-"  // Header for other barrels weapons with multiple barrels, causing alternating shots
AimerNodeName       = "side_gun_2"
AimerPitchLimits    = "-30.0 90.0"
AimerYawLimits      = "-10.0 30.0"
BarrelNodeName      = "recoil_2"
BarrelRecoil        = 0.25
FirePointName       = "hp_gun_1"
WEAPONSECTION       = 2     // Weaponsection 2 defines weapons fired using the secondary fire button
WeaponName          = "cis_weap_hover_aat_missile"
WeaponAmmo          = "9"
// The AAT has six missile tubes, three on each side. Each is separated with a nextaimer line
//--causing the shots to fire from the barrels one by one rather than from all six at once
AimerPitchLimits    = "-5 90"
AimerYawLimits      = "-20.0 20.0"
AimerNodeName       = "hp_missleR_1"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerPitchLimits = "-5 90"

AimerYawLimits      = "-20.0 20.0"
AimerNodeName       = "hp_missleL_2"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerPitchLimits = "-5 90"

AimerYawLimits      = "-20.0 20.0"
AimerNodeName       = "hp_missleR_2"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerPitchLimits = "-5 90"

AimerYawLimits      = "-20.0 20.0"
AimerNodeName       = "hp_missleL_3"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerPitchLimits = "-5 90"

AimerYawLimits      = "-20.0 20.0"
AimerNodeName       = "hp_missleR_3"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerPitchLimits = "-5 90"

AimerYawLimits      = "-20.0 20.0"
AimerNodeName       = "hp_missleL_1"
// Turret1 is the turret on the top of the AAT
FLYERSECTION        = "TURRET1" // Turret1 is the secondary positon a unit can man
FirstPerson         = "cis\cissccam;cis_1st_cockpit_securitycam"
VehiclePosition     = "common.vehiclepositions.gunner"
TurretNodeName      = "Gun_Body"
PitchLimits         = "-40.0 20.0"
YawLimits           = "-180.0 180.0"
PitchTurnFactor     = 0.0
PCPitchRate         = "15.0"
PCTurnRate          = "20.0"
TurnRate            = 1.5
TurnFilter          = 5.0
PitchRate           = 0.5
PitchFilter         = 1.0
PitchDamp           = 1.0
//PitchRate         = 0.8
//PitchFilter       = 2.75
//TurnRate          = 1.3
//TurnFilter        = 2.75
AimerNodeName       = "Main_Gun"
AimerPitchLimits    = "-30.0 90.0"
AimerYawLimits      = "0.0 0.0"
BarrelNodeName      = "recoil_3"
BarrelRecoil        = 0.75
FirePointName       = "hp_cannon_1"
EyePointOffset      = "0.0 2.0 -1.75"
TrackCenter         = "0.0 1.0 -2.0"
TrackOffset         = "0.0 0.0 3.0"
TiltValue           = "10.0"
// This section sets up the sounds triggered when manning the turret as well as when it moves
TurretYawSound         = "turret_whir_yaw_lp"
TurretYawSoundPitch    = "0.7"
TurretPitchSound       = "turret_whir_pitch_lp"
TurretPitchSoundPitch  = "0.7"
TurretAmbientSound     = ""
TurretActivateSound    = "vehicle_equip"
TurretDeactivateSound  = "vehicle_equip"
TurretStartSound       = ""
TurretStopSound        = ""
WeaponName              = "cis_weap_hover_aat_launcher"
WeaponAmmo              = 0
// This section define the collision geometry within the mesh to use when colliding with what kind of object
VehicleCollision        = "p_vehiclesphere"
SoldierCollision        = "CollisionMesh"
//SoldierCollision      = "p_sidegun1"
//SoldierCollision      = "p_sidegun2"
SoldierCollision        = "p_barrel"
SoldierCollision        = "p_turret"
OrdnanceCollision       = "CollisionMesh"
OrdnanceCollision       = "p_sidegun1"
OrdnanceCollision       = "p_sidegun2"
OrdnanceCollision       = "p_barrel"
OrdnanceCollision       = "p_turret"

// Chunks are the pieces resulting from the vehicle's explosion

CHUNKSECTION            = "CHUNK1" // Defines the chunk
ChunkGeometryName       = "cis_hover_att_Chunk1"    // Defines the mesh file to use for the chunk
ChunkNodeName           = ""    // Defines the hardpoint in the mesh from which the chunk originates
ChunkTerrainCollisions  = "2"   // Defines the number of time the chunk bounces
ChunkTerrainEffect      = "dirtspray"   // Defines the particle effect attached to each bounce
ChunkPhysics            = "FULL"        // Defines the chunk behavior/mass
ChunkOmega              = "1.0 2.0 1.0" // ?? Defines chunk spin???  -the direction in which the chunk flys
ChunkBounciness         = 0.35  // Defines rate of upward bounce
ChunkStickiness         = 0.45  // Defines how fast chunk accelerate in bounce 
ChunkSpeed              = "15.0"  // Defines speed of moving chunk
ChunkUpFactor           = "25.00"   // Defines the upward speed of spawned chunk
ChunkTrailEffect        = "mediumsmoketrail"    // Defines the particle effect attached to chunk
// The next two lines define sounds to be triggered by chunks
ChunkInitialCollisionSound = "com_veh_collision_lg" //Played each time the chunk collides with something.
ChunkScrapeCollisionSound  = "" // Played as the chunk slides along another object.
CHUNKSECTION            = "CHUNK2"
ChunkGeometryName       = "cis_hover_att_Chunk2"
ChunkNodeName           = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions  = "4"
ChunkTerrainEffect      = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics            = "FULL"
ChunkOmega              = "2.0 2.5 2.0"
ChunkBounciness         = 0.45
ChunkStickiness         = 0.25
ChunkSpeed              = "10.0"
ChunkUpFactor           = "0.00"
ChunkTrailEffect        = "mediumsmoketrail"
ChunkInitialCollisionSound = "com_veh_collision_lg" //Played each time the chunk collides with something.
ChunkScrapeCollisionSound  = "" // Played as the chunk slides along another object.
CHUNKSECTION            = "CHUNK3"
ChunkGeometryName       = "cis_hover_att_Chunk3"
ChunkNodeName           = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions  = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect      = "dirtspray"
ChunkTrailEffect        = "mediumsmoketrail"
ChunkPhysics            = "FULL"
ChunkOmega              = "2.0 1.0 2.0"
ChunkSpeed              = "12.0"
ChunkInitialCollisionSound = "com_veh_collision_lg" //Played each time the chunk collides with something.
ChunkScrapeCollisionSound  = "" // Played as the chunk slides along another object.
CHUNKSECTION            = "CHUNK4"
ChunkGeometryName       = "cis_hover_att_Chunk4"
ChunkNodeName           = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions  = "0"
ChunkTerrainEffect      = "dirtspray"
ChunkTrailEffect        = "mediumsmoketrail"
ChunkPhysics            = "LEAF"
ChunkOmega              = "0.2 0.0 0.2"
ChunkSpeed              = "2.0"
ChunkSmokeEffect        = "smokeplume"
ChunkSmokeNodeName      = "hp_smoke"
ChunkInitialCollisionSound = "com_veh_collision_lg" //Played each time the chunk collides with something.
ChunkScrapeCollisionSound  = "" // Played as the chunk slides along another object.
// The next section defines damage particle effects
DamageStartPercent  = 70.0              // Health percentage where damage effect is turned on
DamageStopPercent   = 20.0              // Health percentage where damage effect is turned off
DamageEffect        = "vehiclespark"    // Particle effect to be spawned/turned on
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_2"     // Hardpoint in mesh where effect is attached 
DamageEffectSound   = ""                // Sound that can be trigged at start of damage state
                                                     // --looping sounds will stop when damage state changes
                                                     // --sounds can also be attached to spawned particle effect
DamageStartPercent  = 70.0
DamageStopPercent   = 20.0
DamageEffect        = "vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_4"
DamageStartPercent  = 60.0
DamageStopPercent   = 20.0
DamageEffect        = "vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_3"
DamageStartPercent  = 50.0
DamageStopPercent   = 0.0
DamageEffect        = "vehiclesmoke"
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_2"
DamageStartPercent  = 19.0
DamageStopPercent   = 0.0
DamageEffect        = "vehicleflame"
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_2"
DamageStartPercent  = 30.0
DamageStopPercent   = 0.0
DamageEffect        = "vehiclesmoke"
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_1"
DamageStartPercent  = 10.0
DamageStopPercent   = 0.0
DamageEffect        = "vehicleflame"
DamageAttachPoint   = "hp_damage_3"
DamageEffectSound   = "cis_alert_loop"
EngineSound             = "cis_hover_aat_engine_parameterized" // Name of soundproperty to be used as looping engine
HurtSound               = "cis_hover_aat_hurt"    // Name of soundproperty to be triggered when vehicle takes damage
DeathSound              = "imp_weap_ord_exp_lg" // Name of soundproperty to be triggered when vehicle dies
TurnOnSound             = "cis_hover_aat_turn_on" // Name of soundproperty triggered when unit enters vehicle
TurningOffSound         = ""        // Name of soundproperty triggered when unit leaves vehicle
TurnOffSound            = "cis_hover_aat_turn_off" // Name of soundproperty triggered when vehile turns off
TurnOffTime             = "1.0" // Time after unit leaves vehicle before vehicle turns off
Music                   = ""    // Default music played when unit enters vehicle
RepMusic                = ""    // Music played when rep unit enters vehicle
CISMusic                = ""    // Music played when cis unit enters vehicle
ALLMusic                = ""    // Music played when all unit enters vehicle
IMPMusic                = ""    // Music played when imp unit enters vehicle
MusicSpeed              = ".25" // Speed vehicle must reach before music is triggered
MusicDelay              = "3.0" // Delay when speed reached before music is played
GroundedSound           = ""    // May be obsolete -- soundtriggered by hover bouncing against terrain
GroundedHeight          = ""    // May be obsolete -- height of vehicle that triggers groundedsound
BoostSound              = ""    // Soundproperty, speed threshold (%), going over or under (1 or 0)
FoleyFXGroup            = "metal_foley" // Defines the sound foley class to play for footsteps on object
VehicleCollisionSound   ="com_veh_collision_lg" // Name of soundproperty to trigger when vehicle collides with objects