
You can now specify a health type for all damageable objects with the HealthType property:

"person" (default for soldier)

"animal" (default for tauntaun)

"droid" (default for droideka)

"vehicle" (default for all vehicles)

"building" (default for all buildings)

Ordnance and explosions support scale factors corresponding to each of those values:






The old scale values still work for compatibility:

HealthScale (sets PersonScale, AnimalScale, and DroidScale)

ArmorScale (sets VehicleScale and BuildingScale)

The ammo/health powerups, ammo/health stations, and ammo/health weapons now support health and ammo values for each health type:

PersonHealth, BuildingAmmo

AnimalHealth, AnimalAmmo

DroidHealth, DroidAmmo

VehicleHealth, VehicleAmmo

BuildingHealth, BuildingAmmo

For backwards compatibility, SoldierHealth and SoldierAmmo set both Person and Droid values.

You can now assign an effect that gets played when a character gains health. This tends to happen from the medical droids or the powerups. Anyway the syntax is just HealthGainEffect = "NameofEffect"

I'll be working on an ammo one shortly.