Nyet Capo

I think I wrote this very short play as an exercise in a class on Politics and Drama that I was teaching. The students and I read and discussed a number of politically relevant plays, and then each student and I wrote a short play of our own.

I incorporated this work in a largely musical composition, The Willamette Suite, written for concert band, based on musical themes stolen from Freshman Glee songs from Willamette University--a yearly contest in which committees from all four classes competed to write original songs which were then performed in a gala ceremony with judges and everything. One of the songs' words had been co-authored by my mother when she was a student at Willamette U.

Portions of this suite were performed by the Willamette University Wind Ensemble at the Homecoming banquet in 1996, at which my folks were in attendance. I wrote the suite in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary that year.

The story told in the play is true, except that I never burned that shirt! I cannot remember what I did with it.