Cybersmart - Tū Atamai i te Ipurangi

These resources have been created by Manaiakalani learners and their teachers.

For more information about being Cybersmart visit the Manaiakalani Cybersmart site.

Eye-catching blog posts include something to look at or listen to!

Here are some ideas to help you use what you are learning to create something to look at or listen to for your blog posts and capture the attention of your blog readers.

There are also screencasts and tips to help you create your Digital Learning Object.

Click the blog link under each Digital Learning Object on the page to see an example on another learner's blog.

Formatting Text In a Blog Post

To make sure that your blog posts look great, follow this nifty tip when copying and pasting text from another document. This will limit your text to the post so it doesn't run into the side bar.

Clear incorrect Formatting in a Blog Post

If your post's text is running into the side bar of your blog follow these steps to update your post.

Resize an Image

When the image is in your post, click it to change the size, caption, or alignment on the page. Click preview to check the size before you publish your post.

EMBedd a Google Slide

Embed Google Slide in

To make sure your Google Slide is the correct size for your blog select publish to the web - slide size: custom and type 640 for the width. Or change the size in the html to width="640" height="380"

Be a Cyber Ninja!

The kids at Stonefields School have created an awesome video about how to be a Cyber Ninja! This includes tips like always keeping your password and other personal information private when posting online. Anything you post to the internet can be permanent and viewed by anyone, so it's important to be Cybersmart.

Leave a positive digital footprint!

Part of creating a positive digital footprint, is making sure that posts and comments we make are positive, thoughtful and helpful. We hope that you use the Summer Learning Journey as an opportunity to connect with learners all over the country. You can read their blogs and leave comments. Not only will your comments help them with their learning, but each quality comment is worth 2 points! To learn how to write quality comments, click here.

Play the Cybersmart game!

Thank you to James Hopkins for sharing this Cybersmart game with us!

Play the Cybersmart game and complete the activities to learn how to make good decisions when you're online. You will need one die to play (or you can use the dice generator on the webpage).

Attributing Images in Your Blog Posts

It's important to acknowledge other people's work when you use it on your blog. Watch the Manaiakalani presentation about attributing images that you use in your posts.

If you cannot locate all this information about the image you must include a link to where you found the image

Here is an example:

Summer Learning Journey: ... images in your blog post