Sullivan Family

This page contains Sullivan family photos.  This collection of photos was initially collected by Dave in a tribute to Wes's 85th birthday.  Over time more photos have been added.

Wes in B17 at Palm Springs Air Museum

Wes in B17 in Palm Springs Air Museum

Dave at swings made by Grandpa Sullivan

Wes with his mother, Orma (Burdick) Sullivan

More on Orma

Steve with BB gun

More on Steve

Bill, Dave, Nancy, Steve, and Wes

Molly, Ian, Ana, Mick, and Karen at Siletz

Nancy at Sullishak

Molly, Ana, Mary, and Mick at Sullishak

Nancy at beach

Bill and Steve boating

Steve, Bill and Dave

Nancy and Dave boating

John, Steve, Dave, Nancy, Bill, Kathy, Mary, Martha at Grants Pass

The Sullivan family at the Sullishak cabin, back when it had wood windows from Camp Adair. 

Santa Claus came to visit the kids in Grants Pass. Adults are Austin Brownell, Nancy Lee, Bob Lee,  Jack Brownell and Santa. Kids are Kathy, John, Martha, Dave and Bill.

The family hiked a lot ... here Steve, Bill, Elsie and Dave rest beside a trail.

Steve and Joel

Wes and Joel

Ruth Brownell, Elsie Sullivan, Janell Sorensen

Ruth Brownell, Elsie, and Janell

Wes at beach

Elsie J. Sullivan

Elsie cracking crab

Elsie at Sullishak

Wes and Bill at beach

Wes and Bill at Sullishak

Bill with hot dog

Janet Schmidt and Janell Sorensen

Dave and Bill at beach

Dave at beach

Karen at beach

Janell and Karen

Brownell cousin reunion

Mike, Janet, Dave, Steve, Martha, Margret, Bob, Debbie

Tom and Jackson, Ian and Janell, Kathy, Bill

Bill at a 1975 salmon bake.

Ian and Wes

Elsie, Karen, Gail, and Joel

Wes and Elsie's 40th wedding anniversary at the Siletz

Elsie, Mary, Molly, and Wes

Steve and Elsie

Elsie and Wes, Janell and Ian, Nancy and Ana, Molly, Mary and Karen


Ian and Mary defending their forts


Karen, Mary, Ian, and Molly at birthday party


Ana, Nancy, Mick, and Chris


Ana, Molly, Mick, Ian, Karen, and Mary at Sullishak

Dave and Wes at beach


Elsie, Molly, Ian, Dave, Mary, Bill, and Karen camping

Molly, Dave, and Mary

Janet, Nancy, Dave, Wes, Janell, Elsie, Mick, Ana, Karen, Molly, and Mary

Elsie, Mary, and Molly

Dave and Molly, Mary and Ian, and Elsie

Mick, Ana, and Ian

Yan, Mary, and Steve

Mary, Karen and Ian

Ana, Molly, Elsie, Wes, and Janell

Mary and Ian

Karen, Janell and Ian at Siletz cabin

Wes and Dave

Dave and Mary

Ian, Mick and others at picnic


Ian, Janell and Karen at Siletz

Molly and Mary

Bill and Ian repair the Sullishak roof

Wes and Nell, Bill and Janell, Karen, Yan, Mary, Steve, Dave, Molly and Janet

Bill with his pipe organ

Mary and Molly

Barb, Bill and Nancy

Steve and Yan

Daniel and Mary

Dave and Bill at work on the Sullishak deck 

(many others helped too ...)

Nancy and Ana at bridal shower

Daniel and Mary's wedding

Kathy, Ana, Steve and Yan, Daniel and Mary, Wes, Dave and Barb, Guen and Ian, Will and Molly

Wes at the Siltez

Bill, Steve, Nancy, and Dave

The Sullivan family. 

Mary, Nancy and Ana at bridal shower

Steve, Yan and Wes

Steve and Yan -- Mick, Daniel and Mary

Ana, Barb and Dave, Nancy and Chris, Daniel and Mary, Steve, Will and Molly -- Janell, Yan, and Bill

Steve's 60th birthday party

Bill, Chris, Mick, Nancy, Ana, Ruth and Wes, Dave and Barb, Yan, Diana (Yan's Mom) and Steve, Molly, Janell, Will, Daniel and Mary

Steve and Yan


Gwen and Ian's wedding

Molly, Yan and Mary

Mick, Molly and Will, Daniel and Mary, Steve, Ana, and Yan

Molly, High school Graduation

Mary, Janet and Molly

Dave Janet Nancy Steve Bill Karin Chris Janell 

Elsie and Wes in 1981at Sullishak

Wes celebrates his 85th birthday with a new electronic nose hair clipper and passes his old one to Steve in Palm Desert


Christmas at Waller Street apartment

Yan and Wes at South Park apartment in 2007

Joel and Elsie

Wes, Ruth, Yan and Steve enjoy a meal in Portland

Elsie and Gail

Molly with her Garfield Grizzly t-shirt and a tiny family of bunny toys.

Wes celebrates his 86th birthday at the Chart House in Portland

Bill, Wes, Dave, Ian, Steve at Jefferson Park

Ian and Brendan on the Hummock Hike at Mt. St. Helens, May 25, 2014.  Brendan is looking for the cookie he just lost.

Wes, Ian, Dave, Bill and Steve at Jefferson Park