Publications 2007-2012

    • 2012

      • Sasaki, A., Haraguchi, Y., and Yoshida, H. (2012) Estimating the risk of re-emergence after stopping polio vaccination/ Frontiers in Microbiology 3:178 (PUBMED: 22355751,

    • Fukuyo, M., Sasaki, A., and Kobayashi, I. (2012) Success of a suicidal defense strategy against infection in a structured habitat. Scientific Reports 2: 238, (PUBMED 22783231,

      • Yamamichi, M. and Innan, H. (2012) Estimating the migration rate from genetic variation data. Heredity 108, 362-363.

      • Yamamichi, M., Gojobori, J. and Innan, H. (2012) An autosomal analysis gives no genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29, 145-156.

    • 2011

    • Cao, L., Ohtsuki, H., Wang, B. & Aihara, K. (2011) Evolution of cooperation on adaptively weighted networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology 272(1), 8-15.

      • Yamamichi, M., Yoshida, T. and Sasaki, A. (2011) Comparing the effects of rapid evolution and phenotypic plasticity on predator-prey dynamics. The American Naturalist 178, 287-304.

    • Matthews, B., Narwani, A., Hausch, S., Nonaka, E., Peter, H., Yamamichi, M., Sullam, K.E., Bird, K.C., Thomas, M.K., Hanley, T.C. and Turner, C.B. (2011) Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science. Ecology Letters 14, 690-701.

    • Kato-Nitta, N. (2011) The Influence of Cultural Capital on Consumption in Scientific Culture: A Survey of Visitors to an Open House Event at a Public Scientific Research Institution. Public Understanding of Science (in press).

    • Iseki, N., Sasaki, A. and Toju, H. (2011) Arms race between weevil rostrum length and camellia pericarp thickness: Geographical cline and theory. Journal of Theoretical Biology 285, 1-9.

      • Suzuki, U. S. and Sasaki, A. (2011) How does the resistance threshold in spatially explicit epidemic dynamics depend on the basic reproductive ratio and spatial correlation of crop genotypes? Journal of Theoretical Biology 276, 117-125.

    • 2010

      • Sasaki, A. and Dieckmann, U. (2010) Oligomorphic dynamics for analyzing the quantitative genetics of adaptive speciation. Journal of Mathematical Biology.

      • Nakabayashi, J. and Sasaki, A. (2010) A mathematical model of the intracellular replication and within host evolution of hepatitis type B virus: Understanding the long time course of chronic hepatitis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 269, 318-329.

      • Omori, R., Adams, B. and Sasaki, A. (2010) Coexistence conditions for strains of influenza with immune cross-reaction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 262, 48-57.

    • 2009

      • Yahara, K., Fukuyo, M., Sasaki, A., and Kobayashi, I. (2009) Evolutionary maintenance of selfish homing endonuclease genes in the absence of horizontal transfer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(44), 18861-18866.

      • Nakabayashi, J. and Sasaki, A. (2009) The function of temporally ordered viral gene expression in the intracellular replication of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Journal of Theoretical Biology 261, 156-164.

      • Nakabayashi, J., and Sasaki, A. (2009) A mathematical model of the stoichiometric control of Smad complex formation in TGF-β signal transduction pathway. Journal of Theoretical Biology 259, 389-403.

      • Adams, B., and Sasaki, A. (2009) Antigenic distance and cross-immunity, invasibility and coexistence of pathogen strains in an epidemiological model with discrete antigenic space. Theoretical Population Biology 76, 157-167.

    • 2007

      • Yahara, K., Horie, R., Kobayashi, I., and Sasaki, A. (2007) Evolution of DNA double-strand break repair by gene conversion: Coevolution between a phage and a restriction-modification system. Genetics 176, 513-526.

      • Kamo, M., Sasaki, A., and Boots, M. (2007) The role of trade-off shapes in the evolution of parasites in spatial host populations: An approximate analytical approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 244, 588-596.

      • Adams, B., and Sasaki, A. (2007) Cross-immunity, invasion and coexistence of pathogen strains in epidemiological models with one-dimensional antigenic space. Mathematical Biosciences 210, 680-699.

      • Ohtsuki, H. (2011) Evolutionary dynamics of the Nash demand game: a diffusion approach. Dynamic Games and Applications 1(3), 449-461.