Takashi Uehara

Takashi Uehara, JSPS research fellow (PD)

Takashi Uehara came to SOKENDAI in April 2009 as a JSPS postdoctoral research fellow (PD).

He majored in biology in his undergraduate days. He graduated from Kyushu University in 2009 (Ph.D: science) under the supervision of Professor Yoh Iwasa. He was a JSPS research fellow from 2007 to 2009 (DC1).

Dr. Uehara theoretically studies conflict of animals. Conflicts in an individual, between individuals and among groups are studied by using game theoretical models & computer simulations.

Selected publications:

Uehara, T. & Iwasa, Y.

Global mutations and local mutations have very different effects on evolution, illustrated by mixed strategies of asymmetric games.

Journal of Theoretical Biology (2010) 262, 223-231.

Uehara, T., Iwasa, Y. & Ohtsuki, H.

ESS distribution of display duration in animal contest to assess an opponent before fighting or fleeing.

Evolutionary Ecology Research (2007) 9, 395-408.

Uehara, T., Yokomizo, H. & Iwasa, Y.

Mate-choice copying as Bayesian decision making.

The American Naturalist (2005) 165, 403-410.


personal website

Last updated: Apr. 26, 2011

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