Introduction: AN AD made in 1984...

  • What is this ad / commercial for? What does it refer to?

  • Describe the protagonists: who are they? What do they look like?

  • An ad often uses symbols to get its message across. What is the message here? What are the symbols?


1- Webquest: WHO or WHAT is ASIMO?

ASIMO is an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative MObility, pronounced "ashimo" in Japanese, which means "legs too".

Isaac ASIMOV is also the name of the science fiction writer who wrote about robots becoming conscious of their own existence in the 60s and 70s.


2- a) Vocabulary QUIZLET 1 (20 words)

b) Vocabulary with activities to memorize it: QUIZLET 2 (74 words)

3- READ this article from THE ECONOMIST

  • What is it about?

  • What are the drawbacks and advantages of Technology?

A SHORT STORY: Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov (1986) - see document below (pdf)

and analyse it...


  • About Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), read Harari's famous work:

"Did science fiction predict the current state of the world? Recent headlines about smartphone addiction among children and tech companies failing to prevent the proliferation of porn and terrorist material online, can often make it seem like we are living in a science fiction nightmare. Yuval Noah Harari is the historian and author of the best-selling books Sapiens and Homo Deus."