Egdar Allan Poe's BIOGRAPHY + quiz

Edgar Allan Poe's TIMELINE in a nutshell

Poe's work influenced many a writer after him... Stephen King for example!

Read the text: The Raven

and video from an episode of The Simpsons, which is a testimony of how popular Poe's work is!

His most famous poem remains THE RAVEN

See the short film Vincent (1982), with Vincent Price, famous actor who often played in gothic-inspired movies in the 50s and 60s, as the voice-over.

Tim Burton is also a fan of the 19th century American poet and writer.

You can read and listen to the text here: The Tell-Tale Heart

THE WORLD OF IMAGINATION:... ‎‎(New Standpoints 2012)‎‎

EXPAND your vocabulary with this QUIZLET about GOTHIC vocabulary