Help for the WRITING



A) Useful VOCABULARY to write an essay or organize your thoughts: QUIZLET 1

(LV1, 2 and 3)

B) Useful VOCABULARY to write a dialogue: QUIZLET 2

(LV1 and 2)

RECAP (LV1 and 2)


SUBJECTS (taken from previous Baccalaureate sessions)

A) To what extent does technology contribute to human progress? Support your arguments with examples (300 words)

B) "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." (Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1869) Discuss and illustrate. (300 words, +/- 10%)

C) How do you explain the success of crime fiction? Do you enjoy it? Explain why or why not. (250 words, + / - 10 words)

D) Is it possible to reconcile your dreams with a professional life? (150 words)

E) You live in the early 20th century (before 1920). Write a letter to The Times defending women's right to vote. (150 words)

F) You are Vincent / Julie Dubois. You have just moved back to France after living in the USA and other countries. You write an email to an American friend of yours about the advantages and drawbacks of regularly moving to new places. (150 words, +/- 10 %)

G) What are the pros and cons of sending a child to a boarding school ? (Ce genre de texte se prête à un plan cartésien : thèse, antithèse, synthèse.)

H) Write about a frightening experience that once happened to you. (Ce genre de sujet vous permet de raconter un événement au passé ...)

I) Would you be interested in going on a blind date ? (... ou de donner vos idées tout en les justifiant.)

J) Do you think that teenagers always find it difficult to get along with their parents ?

( La question est articulée autour de deux thèses. Oui, les conflits sont inévitables. Ou non, ce n'est pas forcément le cas.)

Dialogue_worksheet by Mr Moysan