  • ARUNDHAI ROY, The God of Small Things (1997)

  1. An EXTRACT used for an A-LEVEL exam to discuss identity

  2. A map and timeline, among other things, available on this website

  • ARAVIND ADIGA, The White Tiger (2008)

Chapter one, the first pages of the novel:

THE WHITE TIGER by Aravind Adiga ‎(2008)‎

SECOND EXTRACT "The School Inspector"

About the novel:

The White Tiger is the first-person narrative of Balram Halwai’s life. Balram recounts his story in a letter to a visiting Chinese official with the goal of educating the official about entrepreneurship in India.

The novel does not strictly conform to a linear, chronological format, as Balram’s narration jumps constantly between different periods of his life.