"The script even describes the size of the shot, whether it's a medium or a tight close-up, whether the camera pulls back and pans to the right as the character walks toward the door, whether it tilts slightly down and shoots through the open dorway (...). That's why Hitch says it's a bore for him to get the picture on the screen, because it has all been done already in his office." Ernest Lehman

Do you want to become an expert about this film? Read and watch this cinephile's websiteYou might also want to glance at the SCRIPT

Recurring THEMES in Hitchcock's films

NORTH BY NORTHWEST ‎(1959)‎...ected by Alfred Hitchcock

FINAL TASK - You will have to produce a thriller sequence (its length is up to you, but between 2 and 5 minutes should do the trick) based on the filmstill we first analysed Strangers in the Night. You will show your final production to the class and explain your choices (shots, angles, symbols...).

You will work in groups (4 people). Agree on a story, then ...

1- write the synopsis (plot summary of the whole film)

2- write the script for the scene you want to shoot (dialogues if any, descriptions of actions, movements, behaviours...) + choices of shots, angles, any technical aspect. You can also draw a storyboard if you´re comfortable with drawing.

3- choose location, cast actors and shoot your film or scene - deadline: May 15th

PRACTICE your vocabulary first