DATA List:

Experts in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory summarized information you need when you analyze XPS data in this booklet. People in the XPS community  refers this booklet as "The orange booklet". You can download the pdf file from the above link.

This page gives you  the X-ray attenuation length for a specific X-ray energy, material, and the incident angle, as a graph and a  data table.

In the case of Si, X-ray energy 1000 eV and the incident angle of 90 deg, the attenuation length is 2.8 micrometer. 

Tools for Peak fitting of XPS data:

   One of the most widely used software to analyze XPS data. 299.00 € for academic license (2017.12).

   As a satellite license, you can buy one more license with 79.00 € in addition to each academic license.

    Igor:  https://www.wavemetrics.com/

           "an extraordinarily powerful and extensible scientific graphing, data analysis, image processing

            and programming software tool for scientists and engineers."

    Macro: you can find a lot of user-defined macro file (procedure file) in the following site.


    Macro for XPS data fitting:

           Developed by Prof. Han-Jin Noh (Ph.D., Department of Physics, Chonnam National University, South Korea).

            Example is available at http://www.igorexchange.com/node/6237

               Developed by University of Erlangen-Nuremberg group to analyze XPS data from VG Scienta SES200

3. COMPRO  http://www.sasj.jp/COMPRO/

     Developed as a one of activities of  "Surface analysis society of Japan". Spectral database is available.