
第22回 VR心理学研究委員会開催のお知らせ


13日(日)に,九州大学応用知覚科学研究センターと共催で,九州大学 大橋





Palmisano先生とBernhard Riecke先生を同時にお招きして,ベクションに関する









2013年 10月12日(土) 13:00~18:00

2013年 10月13日(日) 10:05~15:00


九州大学 大橋キャンパス5号館511教室

(〒815-8540 福岡市南区塩原4-9-1)














10月12日(土)18:00~ 「博多もつ鍋 やま中」(会費5,000円)



VR心理学研究委員会幹事 繁桝(shigemasu.hiroaki [at] kochi-tech.ac.jp)および

研究会実行委員長 妹尾(seno [at] design.kyushu-u.ac.jp)まで参加のご連絡を


※ 完全予約制のため当日のお申し込みはできませんので,お手数をおかけしますが



一般講演:発表 12 分 + 質疑応答 3 分


■ 10月12日(土)13:00-18:00

The 22nd Virtual Reality Psychology International Conference

Date: Saturday, 12 October 2013

Place: Room 511, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University



0. Opening remarks

Yoshitaka Nakajima (Kyushu University)

Session 1 (13:10-14:25) Chair: Yuko Yamashita

1. Stimulus meaning alters vection strength

Takeharu Seno (Kyushu University)

2. Two successive dots in downward direction increase perceived duration

Tsuyoshi Kuroda (Research Fellow of JSPS / Kyushu University), Simon

Grondin (Laval University), Katsuya Ogata, Shozo Tobimatsu (Kyushu


3. ERP investigation on intra- vs. inter-modal duration discrimination

Emi Hasuo (Kyushu University), Emilie Gontier (Universite

Laval),Takako Mitsudo (Kyushu University), Simon Grondin (Universite


4. The contribution of the vibrotactile stimulation to our self-body

position perception: The mirror illusion study

Daisuke Tajima (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Tota Mizuno (The

University of Electro-Communications), Yuichiro Kume (Tokyo

Polytechnic University), Takako Yoshida (Tokyo Institute of


5. The critical visual feedback delay to turn our self-body sensations

into others: The hand and eye movement study

Seiya Kamiya, Takako Yoshida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Coffee Break (14:25-14:35)

Session 2 (14:35-15:35) Chair: Tsuyoshi Kuroda

6. Distortion of auditory space during visually induced self-motion perception

Wataru Teramoto, Kazuki Moishi (Muroran Institute of Technology),

Zhenglie Cui, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba (Tohoku University)

7. Temporal periodicity with Japanese- and English-learning infants

Yuko Yamashita, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Kazuo Ueda, Takeharu Seno (Kyushu

University), Yohko M. Shimada (Doshisha University), David Hirsh

(University of Sydney)

8. Perceptual roles of power-fluctuation factors of speech sound

revealed by cepstral liftering and zero-shifted factor analysis

Takuya Kishida, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Kazuo Ueda, Gerard B. Remijn,

Takuya Fujioka (Kyushu University)

9. Forecasting and analysis of social psychology using WOM - Case of

art management -

Yasuko Kawahata, Etsuo Genda (Kyushu University)

Coffee Break (15:35-16:00)

Mini International Symposium on Vection (16:00-18:00) Chair: Takeharu Seno

10. Opening remarks and an introduction to vection

Takeharu Seno (Kyushu University)

Coherent motion over a large area of the visual field induces an

observer’s self-motion perception, i.e. vection. I will present a

basic introduction to vection research, providing a brief review of

previous vection investigations. I will introduce four speakers who

are two young Japanese and two top researchers of vection in the


(Two vection studies by younger generations)

11. Self-motion Perception by wind

Kayoko Murata, Masami Ishihara, Shigeru Ichihara (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

We examined whether a feeling of self-motion would occur when feeling

wind on the skin accompanied by vestibular motion. Participants

perceived the strongest self-motion in the vestibular motion and wind

condition. Wind from the front induced stronger self-motion than other

directions. We divided the face into upwards and downwards from the

center of the maxillary division. We compared the upper part with the

lower. When the upper part of the face was masked, all indexes

indicated a decrease in self-motion. Therefore, this result suggests

that the upper part and lower part of the face might use different

information processing systems.

12. Examining the cause of inverted vection using

expanding/contracting random-dot patterns

Yasuhiko Saito, Kenzo Sakurai (Tohoku Gakuin University)

The "inverted vection" is self-motion perception in the same

direction as a foreground motion induced by the slowly translating

foreground with an orthogonally moving background (Nakamura & Shimojo,

2000). We extended their studyto (1) investigate whether the inverted

vection in depth occurs or not, and to (2) reexamine their claim that

the mis-registration of eye movement by suppression of optokinetic

nystagmus (OKN)induced by the foreground pattern causes the inverted

vection (Nakamura & Shimojo, 2003).For these purposes, a

non-translational expanding/contracting visual stimulus pattern

asaforeground was used to prevent thetranslational OKNin Experiment

1and 2. And alsoanother non-translationalrotating visual pattern was

used as a background to eliminate the all possible translational OKNin

Experiment 2.

In Experiment 1, observersworea shutter goggle for stereoscopic

vision, and viewedstimulion a screen in 120 cm viewing distance.

Afixation cross was always presented inthe center of screensurface.The

background pattern was perceived to be 15cm fartherthanthe screen

withrightward translatingrandom-dotsat a constant speed of 25

deg/s.The foreground pattern was perceived to be 15cm nearerthan the

screen with expanding/contractingrandom-dots at 5constant

accelerations (0.056, 0.223, 0.893, 3.571, 14.286 deg/sec2). Both

foreground and background patterns were presented in the experimental

condition. Only the foreground pattern was presented in the control

condition. Observers performedkey-press to report their

perceivedforward/backward self-motion, and the reported direction

andduration of self-motion were recorded.In experimentalcondition,

observers reportedinvertedvection when the foreground random-dots

expanded/contracted slowly, and they reported ordinary vection when

the random-dots expanded/contracted fast.In control condition, the

duration of the self-motion sensation varied linearly with the speed

of stimulus motion. The faster motion induced the stronger self-motion

sensation in the direction opposite to the pattern motion.

In Experiment 2, methods were the same as in Experiment 1 except that

a rotatingclockwise/counter-clockwise random-dot pattern was used as

the background at a constant angular velocity (25 deg/s). Observers

perceivedthe inverted vection when the foreground pattern

expanded/contracted slowlyin experimental conditionwhile they

reportedthe ordinary vection in control conditionassame as the results

of Experiment 1.

We concludethat (1) the inverted vectionin depth occurs, and (2) there

must be some factor for the inverted vection in depth other than the

mis-registration of eye movement by suppression of translation OKN.

(Invited Talks)

13. Using Virtual Reality to study multi-modal and higher-level

contributions to selfmotion illusions ("vection")

Bernhard Riecke (Simon Fraser University Surrey)

There is a long tradition of investigating self-motion illusions

induced by rotating or translating visual stimuli ("circular/linear

vection"). Other modalities can also induce vection or contribute to

visually induced vection, but have received considerably less

attention in the literature. Here, I will focus specifically on

non-visual and multi-modal contributions and interactions to vection.

Apart from vection being arguably one of the most compelling and

embodied illusions, vection is also interesting from a fundamental

research perspective, in particular in the context of investigating

cue integration: In a vection-inducing situation, there is always a

(more or less noticeably) cue conflict between some cues indicating

self-motion (e.g., a moving visual or auditory stimulus) while others

indicate stationarity or a lack of acceleration (e.g., tactile,

kinesthetic, and vestibular cues from sitting on a stationary chair).

From a more applied perspective, we are investigating how self-motion

illusions could be utilized to improve self-motion simulations and

human performance in virtual environments, in an attempt to reduce the

need for costly physical motion of the observer.

14. Stereomotion, changing-size, jitter and eye-motion based effects on vection

Stephen Palmisano (University of Wollongong)

Vection is a term typically used to refer to visually induced

illusions of self-motion. Over the years my colleagues and I have

shown that many previously overlooked visual consequences of

self-motion – stereoscopic motion, local changes in optical size,

viewpoint jitter/oscillation and eye-movements – all play important

roles in vection. These findings disprove long held assumptions that:

(i) visual self-motion perception is based solely on the optic flow

presented to a single eye; (ii) dot motion displays convey all of the

important visual information for self-motion; and (iii) visually

simulated self- acceleration prevents/destroys vection. Recently, we

have also examined how vection is altered by eye-movements. For

example, we have shown that superimposing a laterally moving fixation

point onto a radial optic flow display can dramatically enhance the

experience of vection in depth. Such findings suggest that common

pursuit eye- movement errors play important roles in vection

induction. In fact, in some situations, eye-movement patterns might

even serve as objective indicators of vection.

■ 10月13日(日)10:05-15:00

10月13日(日) 午前 一般講演3(10:05~11:05)座長:蘭悠久

(15) 10:05 - 10:20



(16) 10:20 - 10:35



(17) 10:35 - 10:50



(18) 10:50 - 11:05



--- 休憩 ( 10分 ) ---

10月13日(日) 午前 一般講演4(11:15~12:15)座長:寺本渉

(19) 11:15 - 11:30



(20) 11:30-11:45



(21) 11:45 - 12:00



(22) 12:00 - 12:15


○都賀 美有紀(立命館大)

--- 昼食 ( 105分 ) ---

10月13日(日) 午後 一般講演5(14:00~15:00)座長:和田充史

(23) 14:00 - 14:15



(24) 14:15 - 14:30



(25) 14:30 - 14:45

The relationship between empathy trait and LPP to face


(26) 14:45 - 15:00

