Plant Sale 2018

Note from SMG Plant Sale Chair-Sandy Newton:

I agree with Michael whole-heartedly (see his note below). Thank you to all who participated in the sale in whatever way you were able to give support! Every ounce of support helps and it was proven throughout this sale. Thank you!

All is well at The Florence Farmers Market at at 2:16 a.m. Saturday, April 21. Shoals Master 2018 Gardeners Plant sale started at 8:00 a.m. 

Note from SMG President Michael Thomason:

I just wanted to give all of you an update on the plant sale. As of right now we have cleared $10,546.

I want to say thank you to all of you who contributed to this event. So many of you!!!!! Thanks to Sandy Newton who has worked for months on orchestrating this event.

Many have contributed their plants from their gardens, started plants from seeds and cared for them during the winter months. Some have rescued plants from neighbors, family and strangers and cared for them until now. Some have done the back breaking work of moving plants from the nursery to the Farmers Market and back again. Some have worked at the nursery the past year and some of you worked at the Farmers Market getting it setup. Your efforts paid off this weekend!!!

So, Like I said on Facebook. Go home prop your feet up and relax. Get a good nights sleep because tomorrow we start planning and preparing for next year.

Great Job!!! I am so proud of you. It is great to be a Shoals Master Gardeners.

Final Preparations Underway!

On Friday, April 20th, at 9 a.m. SMG volunteers were found at the SMG nursery (behind the Children's Museum of the Shoals) to transport plants to the Farmer's Market. Truck or trailer were filled with hundreds of varieties of plants. 

Below are photos of  Monday's activities at the SMG Nursery as volunteers placed price tags on plants. The morning chill did little to dampen the fun.