2016 Projects

2016 Project Managers

There is a lot to choose from when it comes to SMG projects. There are projects both north and south of the Tennessee River. Listed below are the projects and their respective managers. If you're interested contact the managers. 

Children's Museum of the Shoals - Cam Jones

Community Garden - Tommy Flurry

Fame Girls Ranch - John Norton

Helen Keller Birthplace - Betty Balch

Joe Wheeler State Park - Jennifer Garrett

Monarch Watch - Betty McCutchen

R.E. Thompson School - Paula Kelley

Safe Place - Ken Horton

The Hall Memorial Native Plant Garden at TVA - Margie Anderton

Sheffield Senior Citizens Center - Tommy Flurry

Central Elementary School - Peggie Lazenby will be leading the elementary students as they plant raised beds with spring vegetables. The school is located at 3000 Co. Road 200 in the Central community.

Sheffield Senior Citizens Center 

These photos are from the SMG Workday on March 30, 2016 at the Sheffield Senior Citizens Center to prepare their raised bed gardens for Spring planting. It is located at 303 E 2nd Street, Sheffield. Tommy Flurry wants to add gin trash to the existing raised beds that were built there last year. They really enjoy these easy access beds which brings many happy memories and a little friendly competition. 

Cleveland Watkins and Tommy Flurry

Sam Mangum and Ro Larsen

Martha Berryhill

Jerry Lewis

Children's Museum of the Shoals

Project leader Cam Jones scheduled a workday at the Children's Museum for Wednesday, March 9th at 8:30am. The Children's Museum is located 2810 Darby Drive.  Another workday at the Children's Museum was held on April 6, 2016.

Peggy Lazenby

Facing Camera, left to right = Project Leader & 2016 Intern Cam Jones, SMG President Peggy Lazenby, 2016 Intern Jean Batson and 2016 Intern Tony Couch.

Audrey White collects leaves at the Children's Museum.

Three of our fine 2016 Interns (speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil).

Jerry Lewis & John Norton, cutting up.

Lynn Wilson cleans out the Herb Garden at the Children's Museum.

Leap Day 2016 at The Hall Memorial Native Plant Garden at TVA: 

Group Plant Therapy (Susan Wadsworth, Peggy Lazenby, Patricia Bowen, Jean Batson, D.J. Elledge, James and Jean Dunn and Kathy Peoples). 

SMG Volunteers "Leaping" into action. Peggy Lazenby here, wrestling the "Puller Bear".

SMG volunteers at TVA moving rocks to protect the newly planted shrubs from marauding Armadillos. 

SMG Volunteers at the TVA Native plant area, Monday Feb 29, Peggy Lazenby and Susan Wadsworth.

January 30th workday at The Hall Memorial Native Plant Garden at TVA: 

L to R: Michael Thomason, Alan George, John Norton, Margie Anderton, D.J. Elledge. 

Joe Wheeler State Park - March 16, 2016.

Photos are from the SMG Workday at the boat ramp at Joe Wheeler State Park done at the request of the Rogersville Chamber of Commerce, March 16, 2016.

After the work was done. left to right:  Jennifer Garrett, Martha Berryhill, Alan George, Kathy Peoples, Audrey White, Peggy Lazenby, Chip Lazenby.

(left to right) DJ Elledge, Margie Anderton, Joel Peden, Cynthia Kershaw.

Cynthia Kershaw placing rocks around plantings to keep the armadillos away from the fresh dig.

The water feature being built by Len McGuire