Automated Estimation Regularization Parameter for Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Minimal Residual Method

All Programs are based on Open-Source NIRFAST (Link) and are written as MATLAB functions.

# Minimal Residual Method BasedSelection of Regularization Parameter (includes reconstruction part as well)

# Generalized Cross-Validation BasedSelection of Regularization Parameter (includes reconstruction part as well**)

These computational algorithms are used for performing the work presented in the following manuscript:

Ravi P. K. Jagannath and Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy, “Minimal Residual Method Provides Optimal Regularization Parameter for Diffuse Optical Tomography," Journal of Biomedical Optics 17(10), 106015:1-7 (2012). PDF

Created on: July 14, 2012. Updated on: September 11, 2012.

Note: This code does not come with any guarantees, can be used for any purpose.

** Adapted from Regularization Tools (Version: 4.1)