Back-projection type algorithm for Diffuse Optical Tomography: Open-Source Matlab Codes.


# Matlab implementation of Backprojection-type reconstruction algorithm (proposed): reconstruct_stnd_cw_backproj.m (requires: objective function file: opt_mu_objfun.m)

# Matlab implementation of Landweber Iterative Algorithm: reconstruct_cw_max_eig.m

# Matlab implementation of Standard reconstruction algorithm: reconstruct_stnd_cw.m

Additional Information (includes reconstruction results of multiple target, breast imaging domain, and 3D experimental domain): additional_info.pdf

This Matlab code is used as part of the work presented in:

Jaya Prakash and Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy, “A Simplex Method Based Automated Choice of Optimal Filter Factor for Back-Projection Type Diffuse Optical Tomographic Image Reconstruction,"

Journal of Optical Society of America A, 2013 (Submitted).

Created on: August 20, 2012.

Updated on: August 20, 2012.

* The code does not come with any guarantees and can be freely used for any purpose.