Image Guided Filtering for Improving Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction

This MATLAB code was used as part of the work presented in

Navchetan Awasthi, Sandeep Kumar Kalva, Manojit Pramanik, Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy, “Image-guided filtering for improving photoacoustic tomographic image reconstruction,” J. Biomed. Opt. 23(9), 091413 (2018), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.9.091413.

#The codes for generating the data and TV can be found at patextrapolation site.

#Matlab Implementation of Lanczos Tikhonov Heuristic and BPD_LSQR methods:demo_bpd_lsqr_40.m

#Matlab Implementation of Lanczos Tikhonov Heuristic combined with guided filtering:demo_bpd_lsqr_back_40.m

#Matlab Implementation of Lanczos Tikhonov Optimal methods:demo_lanc_tik_40.m

#Matlab Implementation of Lanczos Tikhonov Optimal method combined with guided filtering:demo_lanc_tik_back_40.m

#Matlab Implementation of Total Variation based method combined with guided filtering:demo_tv_back_40.m

#Matlab Implementation for combining two images:demo_lanc_tik_back.m

#Matlab Implementation of Modified Guided Filtering Approach:my_filter_guidedfilter.m

# Supplementary file for Guided Filtering:boxfilter.m