Announcing the Justice For All Storytelling Contest
Announcing the Justice for All Storytelling Contest -- Can be a Video, Photographs, Poster, Art Work, Music, Essay, Blog Post, Interview, Documentary, Storytelling, etc.
Prepare a brief expression of how you envision potential to change the world to achieve Justice for All in 2 minute video, poster, 1000 word abstract, photos, sketch, diagram, blog entry, or document of
1) a story, person, legal case, or experience that inspires you to improve access to the Justice System;
2) a suggestion, innovation, or solution in technology or process to improve communication or reduce disparity in the Justice System; or
3) explain how a Mock Trial case involving a person with hearing loss (or mobility issue, vision loss, or another example you can think of), can help others (Mock Trial Team members, Bar Association members, technology designers, policy makers, stakeholders, community, or ...) to understand important needs of individuals (for example as United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 Quality Education, 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,, 10 Reduced Inequalities, or 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).
For more information please contact: Kit August or Margaret J Lyons
Please Submit Entries to before midnight on 30 May 2019.