Guide to Women’s Lacrosse Defensive Communication

Post date: Mar 29, 2015 3:10:47 AM

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By Lane Errington | @Lane_Errington

The following post is an excerpt from the US Lacrosse Coaching Education Program Level 2 Curriculum. Take a NEW Level 2 online course for men's or women's coaches

Question: What’s the single most important thing defenders can do for each other?

Answer: Communication.

Communication enhances defenders’ ability to anticipate as well as react quickly and effectively as a unit. A group of defenders who are confident in their skills and able to verbally direct each other will take more risks, function as a cohesive unit, and ultimately perform at a high level. A group of defenders who lack confidence in their skills and are unable or unwilling to communicate with each other will take less risks, play more like individuals than a group, and are at risk for defensive breakdowns.

Coaches and players can create a list of defensive terms that the team can use consistently on the field to enhance overall performance levels. Remember to keep it simple. Defenders don’t have time to speak in complete sentences in competitive situations. For example, a defender doesn’t have time to say, “I am marketing the ball. I am forcing her left. I need a double team, first and second slide to come from the right,” when her mark is actively driving to the cage.

To help you begin building your team’s basic defensive terminology, we have provided a sample used by the Johns Hopkins women’s team, courtesy of coach Janine Tucker.

Base Communication (All Levels)

Stan Liu

Advanced Communication

Double-Team Communication