Sauble Sandpipers

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Let’s all do our part to ensure this great organization continues to thrive by increasing our membership. Talk to your friends, neighbours and family. Anyone over the age of 55 is welcome to become a member and enjoy all that the Sandpipers have to offer. Come and join the fun. You won't regret it.

Click newsletters for information or contact one of the executives listed below in the activities

Scroll down for information on activities !!

or check out our special event tab.

Sauble Sandpiper Activities

The Sauble Sandpiper policy to continue to play: Everyone who participates in Sandpiper activities are encouraged to wear a mask while inside the Sauble Beach Community Centre. All activities are on a first come first to play basis and the front door of the Centre will be open 15 minutes before the start of activity. All activities will be free until further notice.

Quilting: Mondays and Wednesdays 9-noon in Sauble/Huron Rms

Bridge: Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 12:30 pm

Shuffle Board: Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm

Note: Canceled Nov 28th - resurfacing floor

Bid Euchre Mondays 7 pm

Solo: Wednesdays 10am-12noon in Bruce Rm

Darts : Wednesdays 10:30 - 12 pm

Billiards - Thursday afternoons 1-4 pm in the games room.

Creative Stitchers Fridays 9:30 am- 2:30 pm in Sauble/Huron Rms

Wiarton Sandpipers Wednesdays 10 am in the St. John's United Church Wiarton

Masks are still available so if anyone wishes a mask(s), please call Marilyn at 519-422-1640.

The Sandpipers have vacant positions on the executive: Secretary, and first vice president, also the social committee: if you have any interest please call Judy at 519-422-1073 or

For Sandpiper memberships runs April 1 - March 31/year, you can make cheque payable to Sauble Sandpipers and Mail to Betty Murphy at P.O. Box 264, Hepworth, Ontario N0H 1P0 and number: 519-935-2712, cost: up to age 79-$15., age 80-89-$5., and over age 90 - no fee.

Remember a smile is just a frown upside down, so keep smiling!

Please, stay safe and healthy, most of all be kind to each other

Your Sandpiper executive

Enjoy a Joke on Us! Keep Smiling