Sunday School
The Sunday School meets in the Hall and Choir Vestry each Sunday during the 10.00 a.m. Family Eucharist. This caters for children of primary age, and there is a creche available for pre-school children.
Children sit with their families for the start of the Eucharist, and normally leave with the teachers during the first hymn. They return to church for the Communion and rejoin their families. Particularly with younger children, parents are welcome to accompany them to the Choir Vestry until they are settled and comfortable. We also welcome parents' continuing involvement and interest in our activities.
A wide variety of activities, appropriate to the children's ages, enhance the learning process and make it more enjoyable. Some of the artwork produced in the Sunday School is displayed on this page, and is regularly displayed in the Hall on Sundays. From time to time we hold craft workshops, when children can spend more time on artistic activities relating to the Church year.
We are committed to the full integration of children into the life of the Church, and the
learning process in the Sunday School is designed to facilitate this. Older children remain in the church from time to time, and participate in the celebration of the Eucharist as servers or sing in the Choir. We regularly hold a Family Eucharist, at which the children and teachers remain in church, and the service is adapted accordingly. The children may present a song or other item they have prepared, and those able to do so are encouraged to read the lessons or lead the intercessions. The cast of the Nativity Play, December 2014
We have a dedicated team of teachers, one of whom is qualified and experienced in working with children with special needs. We adhere to the policy of the Scottish Episcopal Church on protection of children and vulnerable adults, including applying for Enhanced Disclosure when new teachers join the team. The Vestry has a designated and trained Protection of Vulnerable Groups Coordinator, Mrs Sue Leslie, who works closely with the relevant diocesan and provincial officers.
The Sunday School Superintendents are
Mrs Fiona Graham and Mrs Rachael Samuel
Tel. 0141 6371720. Tel. 0141 6397805
E-mail. Sunday School Superintendent
The Sunday School Cross,
given in memory of
Susan Angerson
Family Eucharist:- the children educate the Rector and congregation