Life After Death (2)


Today is a day of sadness as we remember (name) who died a few days ago.

It is sad because we shall not see him/her again in this life upon earth.

It is sad because his/her death leaves a dark empty void in our lives.

And it is sad, particularly for those nearest and dearest, because it is hard at this moment to contemplate the future without (name) in our midst.

The disciples of Jesus must have felt just as you are feeling at this moment when Jesus told them that he would not be with them for much longer, the future betrayal of him by one of their company, and the forthcoming denial of him by the brave and loyal Peter.

So Peter was sad because of what Jesus had told him. Judas (unknown by the other eleven) was sad because of what Jesus had said. And all the disciples were sad at the prospect of his future death.

A dark empty void of a future without Jesus, began to stare them in the face.

Aware of what was in their hearts and minds, as he is also aware of what is in your hearts and minds today, Jesus says to his disciples, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me".

But what are they to believe?

The answer is to be found in the following words, "In my Father's house are many dwelling places. I go to prepare a place for you". John 14.1.

Yes, there is room for all the disciples of Jesus, both past and present, and that includes (name) whose life we are recalling today.

And what is more, God is there, with his arms wide open to welcome us, since Jesus has gone before us to prepare a place for each one of us. This he did through his death and resurrection whereby he broke, once and for all, the power of death, and opened up for us a way into the nearer presence of God.

This is indeed good news to cheer us up, as it cheered up the first disciples.

And that is why he said to his disciples "Do not let your hearts be troubled" as they looked into the dark empty void of the future without the physical presence of the one whom they had come to know and love in their lifetime.

And that is why he says to you today. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many dwelling places".

It is of course hard for us to imagine what heaven is like with the limitation of our finite minds. The best we can ever do is to use familiar images to give us a glimpse of heaven.

So Jesus talks about his "Father's house" or his Father's home. Heaven is the place where God lives.

But he does not live alone. It is a house with many rooms or dwelling places for other people.

Let us not get bogged down about the number of rooms available for his guests. What Jesus is saying is that the rooms of the house are as limitless for his house guests as is also his love.

As the words of that well-known hymn by Fr. Faber puts it:-

"For the love of God is broader

Than the measure of man's mind

And the heart of the etemal

Is most wonderfully kind".