
A - H


Accepting & Rejecting God

Acknowledging Humanity (Jesus' Baptism)

Agnus Dei

Alive Bones

All Inclusive God (Epiphany)

Amos' Image of the God of Justice

Are You Ready?

Armour of God


Authoritative Teacher

Authority to Forgive

Baptism Decision

Battery Recharging (2)

Becoming a Christian

Blessed Virgin Mary

But I Say to You

Call of God


Canticle of the Sun

Celebrating the Millennium

Celebrating the Saints

Christ - A Symbol of Rebirth

Christian Public Service

Christian Vocation

Christmas Card

Christmas Hangover

Church and State

Citizens of Heaven

Cleansing the Temple

Commandment 1 - First in Life

Commandment 2 - You I Adore

Commandment 3 - Watch Your Language

Commandment 4 - A Day Off

Commandment 5 - Happy Families

Commandment 6 - Life Can Be Cheap

Commandment 7 - Playing with Emotions

Commandment 8 - It Fell Off a Lorry

Commandment 9 - What Is Truth?

Commandment 10 - Never Satisfied

Companion God

Confidence in Christ


Contemplating God's Creation

Costly Discipleship

Cost of Discipleship

Cost of Prophecy

Creation and Modern Man

Creative God

Crippled Woman

Cross-like Christianity

Crunch Time

David and the Pharisee

Death is Everything

Demas Bug

Dependence Upon God (Harvest)

Desert God

Discipline Within the Church

Diversity in Unity

Diversity Within Communion

Divine Vocation (Jesus' Baptism)

Do Not Be Afraid

Donkey or Horse

Doubting John

Empty Tomb

Eternal Optimist



Eye of the Needle

Face of Sin

Favours for the Unfavourable

Final Answer (on Mary's Death)

Forsaken by God

Gifts (Epiphany)

God Has No Favourites

God is in Control

God of the Flesh

God's Generosity - A Harvest Sermon

Good News for Dogs

Greatness of Service

Great Separation


Harvest Festival - Fellow Workers with God

Harvest of Separation

Herod, The Insecure King (Epiphany)

Holy Innocents

Homosexuality - A Christian Response

Hope for Christian Unity

Hosea's Image of the God of Mercy

Human Face of God

Human Genome

I - Q

Increase Our Faith

Immanent God

Initiation into Christianity (Rite of)

Inspiration of Scripture

Intercession and Self-offering


Isaiah's Image of the God of Holiness

Jesus and the Sadducees

Jesus Mania

Jesus the Healer

Jigsaw Pattern of Faith

Joining the Family of God

Jonah's Image of the God of All

Justice for Seafarers


Leonard Cheshire

Life After Death (1)

Life After Death (2)

Life After Death (3)

Life of Faith

Light of the World

Listening to God

Living by Faith

Lord's Prayer (1) - God Cares

Lord's Prayer (2) - God Reigns

Lord's Prayer (3) - God Gives

Lord's Prayer (4) - God Forgives

Lord's Prayer (5) - God Protects

Love One Another

Loving Oneself

Lukewarm Christians

Marriage - The Christian Ideal

Martyrs of Papua New Guinea

Mary and Our Annunciation

Mary, Symbol of Hope

Meaning of Advent

Meditations for Good Friday

Micah's Image of the God of Righteous

Miraculous Meal

Mission of the Church

Mission to Seafarers

Mixed Bag in Worship (Epiphany)

New Wine

New Year Quotation

No Islamic Christ

Non-burdensome Religion

No Separation

One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

Openness to Growth

Ordination Service

Other Faiths - A Christian Approach

Other Harvest

Parable of the Great Supper

Physician, Heal Thyself

Pilgrim God

Power of Stories

Power of the Helpless God (Christmas)

Powerful and Powerless - A Christmas Sermon

Prayer and Silence

Prayer for Busy People

Praying Hands

Praying the Bible

Preface to Baptism

Primacy of Peter


Psalms of the Passion: 1.Remembrance

Psalms of the Passion: 2. Abandonment

Psalms of the Passion: 3. Surrender

Psalms of the Passion: 4. Alienation