
♣ Physical: 12

♦ Mental: 2

♥ Social: 2

♠ Gamma-Charged Genetics: 12


Man or Monster?

Hulk Smash!

Tools of the Trade

Rampaging Hulk: If Hulk's Mental or Social Attribute is ever reduced to zero, he loses control and he becomes an almost mindless catastrophic force. While manifested, the Rampaging Hulk acts as an at will ♣ Deed. The only way this can be removed from play is to restore Hulk's Mental or Social Attribute, causing him to revert back to Banner.



You wouldn't like me when I'm angry

Sarcastic genius

Tools of the Trade

Bannertech gadget +10; every scene, Banner can whip up some new useful, story-suitable item for his own personal use

Dr. Robert Bruce Banner


♣ Physical: 4

♦ Mental: 10

♥ Social: 4

♠ Repressed: 5