
Q Score: 1000 (Attributes 475 + Traits 5 + Tools 270 + Cosmic Tier 250)


♣ Physical: 150

♦ Mental: 150

♥ Social: 100

♠ The Power Cosmic: 75


The Hunger That Does Not Cease

Galactus Has Always Been and Must Always Be

Galactus Sees All

To Know Galactus is to Know Fear

Bound by Honor


The Worldship Taa II +100

Sphere Ship +70

The Ultimate Nullifier +100


Galactus possesses the Cosmic-level (101+) Success Tier

Galactus is an individual of great mystery and unimaginable power, and is perhaps the most powerful being in the cosmos. Galactus is both the wielder and the source of the Power Cosmic, which allows him to accomplish almost anything he desires. He can manipulate matter, travel across time and space, and even destroy worlds with a thought. His Heralds— select individuals endowed with just a fraction of the Power Cosmic, becoming some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy— are dispatched across the universe to find suitable worlds for his consumption.

It is said Galactus is the sole survivor of the universe before the Big Bang and that he has always existed, always hungered for worlds. Some say he's a force of nature, part of the natural order, and his removal would upset the delicate balance of the universe, possibly unmaking it. Others say his true visage cannot be perceived and his form is only an interpretation of onlookers, taking the shape of their own race or that of a deity. Many things are said about Galactus, but one thing is certain: Galactus Hungers.

In addition to the Power Cosmic, Galactus has access to technology beyond anything in this universe. He used it to create a vessel called Taa II, or the Worldship; it measures 50AU across— approximately the size of a solar system. The arrival of Taa II wreaks gravitational havoc on a star system, causing planetary orbits to change, presaging the apocalypse that is about to befall the helpless populace. The Worldship is a storehouse for ancient relics, strange creatures, unusual devices, and powerful weapons, most notably the Ultimate Nullifier. The Ultimate Nullifier is said to be the greatest weapon in all of creation and the one thing Galactus fears. It has the power to remove something entirely from existence. However, if it's not wielded correctly or is wielded by someone without the will to operate it, they too are erased. It is also somehow tied to Galactus; some say it's an extension of him, and it always returns to him in time.

Galactus is more often found in his Sphere Ship, a moon-sized vessel used to facilitate the devouring of worlds. Taking this smaller ship into orbit around the targeted world, massive power converters onboard convert the planet's biosphere and geothermal core into energy for his consumption, leaving behind a dead husk.

Galactus' Heralds are uplifted in order to help him locate suitable planets. In addition to alerting Galactus to a planet's location, they will assist in destroying any defenses the planet might have that might attempt to stop Galactus. Wielding even a small portion of the Power Cosmic changes a being; this is often represented by a physical change. Many of the wielders have a focus for it, such as the Surfer's board, Firelord's staff, and Terrax's axe; even Galactus' armor is said to channel the power.