Aims and objectives

The aim of the network:

To nurture the development of novel mathematical tools and novel applications of mathematics for understanding, predicting and managing the effects of environmental change, in particular those related to climate variability and impacts on societal resilience.

The objectives of the network are:

1. Running a number of sandpit and study-group events to stimulate innovative proposals in the scientific focus areas

2. Providing mechanisms to financially support individuals and groups that wish to undertake feasibility studies in these areas

3. Running scientific meetings that link the mathematics research community to researchers working in the area of Environmental Change and to end-users

4. Maintaining and extending networking resources provided by CliMathNet including a directory, support for meetings, seminars, workshops and newsletter

5. Developing materials and contributing to events for public engagement including citizen science

Our scientific focus areas are:

(i) Computing complexity (including mathematical and computational methods the reach across scales).

(ii) Extreme events, tipping points and quantifying uncertainty (including outliers an extremes in noisy nonlinear systems and ubrupt changes).

(iii) Modelling coupled social-environmental systems (including models of coupled human-environmental systems).