Climate Tipping Points Workshop 2016

18th - 20th April, 2016. Dartington Hall, Devon, UK.

This workshop, which was hosted by Tim Lenton (University of Exeter), followed on from the Tipping Points meeting that was hosted by Marten Scheffer and Sebastian Bathiany in Amsterdam last year (2015).

The aim of the workshop was to:

  • to reflect on progress in the mathematics of tipping points,
  • to work towards the development of some joint paper(s), and
  • to link up with part of the new 'CRITICS' EU network of PhD students studying critical transitions.

Scientific Programme:

Monday 18th April

Tuesday 19th April

Climate Tipping Points Group Photo - April 2016.

This residential workshop was held at Dartington Hall, Devon. UK.

Photo credit to Dartington hall

Photo credit: Dartington