Tipping Points Meeting
This was a joint meeting between ReCoVER and the Valuing Nature Programme, held at Reed Hall at the University of Exeter on 3rd July 2017.
The meeting aimed to bring together natural scientists working to understand the services provided to humans from ecosystems with mathematicians with experience of detecting and predicting tipping points.
09.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome, aims of the workshop, round the room introductions and introduction to the Valuing Nature Programme (Anita Weatherby & Tim Lenton)
10.15 Introduction to the Valuing Nature Projects
1. The project
2. Qs we are seeking to answer
Adrian Newton, Tim Lenton & Dylan Young
10.30 Tipping points definitions, types and applications in the context of natural capital and ecosystem services
◦ Presentation based on findings of Delphi survey (Dylan Young)
◦ Discussion
11.00 A mathematical perspective on types of tipping point (Pete Ashwin)
◦ Discussion
11.30 Break
12.00 Tools, methods and challenges for detecting and predicting tipping
◦ Overview of tools & methods identified in Delphi survey with explanations given by group members familiar with each one
◦ Participants share experience of applying tipping point detection and prediction methods
◦ Discussion to identify any that are inappropriate or missing
◦ Discussion of challenges e.g. detecting/predicting tipping points in spatial data, and identifying feedbacks
13.00 Lunch & Group Photo
14.00 Breakout groups
14.45 Breakout groups report to plenary
15.00 Working afternoon tea will be provided
15.30 Action planning
16.00 Close