IAMS workshop

ReCoVER Integrated Assessment Modelling Sandpit

14th and 15th May 2015, Dartington Hall, Devon

ReCoVER held and Sandpit meeting on 14th and 15th May 2015 at Dartington Hall in Devon. The sandpit meeting looked at new approaches to Integrated Assessment Modelling, including from a policy perspective.

ReCoVER (Research on Changes of Variability and Environmental Risk) is an EPSRC-funded research network aiming to foster new mathematical approaches to the trans-disciplinary challenges posed by climate change. ReCoVER has strong stakeholder engagement and one of the first priority subjects identified in conversation with DECC and other stakeholders was the need to improve the underpinning methodology and the transparency of integrated assessment models of climate change. Hence the aim of this workshop was to explore ways of advancing integrated assessment modelling and its salience, credibility and legitimacy in scientific and policy contexts. The workshop moved from brief updates and perspectives on the current state of integrated assessment modelling, to a ‘sandpit’ generating new research ideas suitable for seed-corn funding.


14th May

12.00 Lunch at Dartington Hall, Pontin Room

12.50 Presentations from delegates, Dukes Room. Chair: Tim Lenton

12.50 Welcome (Tim Lenton)

13.00 Ken Wright: IAMs: A Government Science Adviser’s perspective

13.20 Elizabeth Baldwin: Damage Functions: what we (don’t) know, and why it matters

13.40 David Stainforth: Transparency and physical assumptions in IAMS

14.00 Hector Politt: Dynamic, disequilibrium economic modelling with E3ME

14.20 Jean-Francois Mercure: Modelling agent diversity and innovation diffusion

14.40 Neil Edwards: Emulation, uncertainty and integration of qualitative sociological constraints

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Presentations from delegates, Dukes Room. Chair: TBC

15.30 Steve Smith: How the Committee on Climate Change has used (and stopped using) IAMs

15.50 Tim Lenton: Stochastic integrated assessment of climate tipping points

16.10 Louise Kessler: Estimating the economic cost of the permafrost carbon feedback in using the DICE model

16.30 Jason Lowe: The use and abuse of IAMs in climate research

16.50 Tim Oxley: National scale Integrated Assessment Modelling under the Convention on Long-Term Transboundary Air Pollution

17.10 Andy Jarvis: TBC

17.30 Charlie Wilson: Incorporating behavioural features into global energy-economy models

17.50 Discussion

18.00 End of presentations

19.00 Evening dinner, Screens Room

15th May

8.45 Coffee

9.15 Meeting discussion, Dukes Room

9.15 Pete Ashwin: Introducing ReCoVER Feasibility Funding

9.30 Discussion

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Meeting discussion and funding application, Dukes Room

13.00 Lunch, Pontin Room

14.00 End of meeting