Activities and events

ReCoVER is running a number of meetings and events of various sizes during the course of the project. We will provide details on this website and also via the CliMathNet newsletter. You can sign up for the CliMathNet newsletter here.

Sandpit/study group events: we run a number of focussed events aiming to bring together experts, users and other interested parties to generate bids for funding for exploratory projects in this area. Contact us for more details or to suggest a possible event.

Annual conferences: we have organised annual conferences with CliMathNet in the summers of 2015, 2016 and 2017. This is an academic research conference for network and ideas generation for exploratory research projects.

ESeminars: we will run a series of seminars and small workshops by videoconference. Sign up on the CliMathNet newsletter for news of these.

Other meetings: projects sponsored by ReCOVER will be running a variety of small meetings and workshops. Keep an eye out on the CliMathNet newsletter for these.

Previous Events: