Python: Upload your project on PyPI to Anaconda Cloud

Python: Upload your project on PyPI to Anaconda Cloud

Here is the steps to upload a package to conda server. First, a package that will be uploaded to a conda server must be available on Python package index (PyPI). Then you can create a conda recipe from package-PyPI. Then you will build a conda package from conda recipe. After you build a conda package, you can upload it to a channel to make it available for others to use. A channel is a specific location for storing packages, and may point to a cloud-based repository or a private location on a remote or local repository that you or your organization created.

Table of Content


  • conda
conda update conda
  • conda-build
conda install conda-build
  • anaconda
conda install anaconda-client
  • Anaconda account

Go to and register new account.

"%PYTHON%" install --single-version-externally-managed --record=record.txt
if errorlevel 1 exit 1

del %SCRIPTS%\conda-init

copy %PREFIX%\Lib\distutils\command\
if errorlevel 1 exit 1
  • bld.bat
python install --single-version-externally-managed --record=record.txt 

1. Create Conda recipe from PyPI

To create conda recipe from PyPI, type like this:

conda skeleton pypi NAME_OF_PACKAGE

for example, create conda recipe of OctaDist package:

conda skeleton pypi octadist

This will take 1-2 minutes.

When it is done, you should see the message like this:

# output
Hunk #1 succeeded at 167 with fuzz 2 (offset 1 line).
Writing recipe for octadist

2. Build Conda package

To build conda package, type like this:

conda-build --python PYVER PACKAGE


  • PYVER is version of Python, for example, 3.7.
  • PACKAGE is name of package which must be available on PyPI.

For example:

conda-build --python 3.7 octadist

This will build and test your package. When it is done, a conda package will be created either at $HOME/conda-bld or at the environment directory:

# output

# or

3. Convert pure Python packages to other platforms

conda convert --platform PLATFORM FILE -o $HOME/conda-bld/


  • PLATFORM is name of operating system: osx-64, linux-32, linux-64, win-32, and win-64.
  • FILE is Python package (*tar.bz2) which can be found at $HOME/conda-bld/linux-64/ directory.

For example,

conda convert --platform win-64 $HOME/conda-bld/linux-64/*.tar.bz2 -o $HOME/conda-bld/

This will convert the conda package from linux-64 to win-64 platform, the file will be created at $HOME/conda-bld/win-64:


4. Login to Anaconda (Conda) server

You have to login to Anaconda server before uploading packages. Use following command:

anaconda login

Then you will be asked username and password:

Using Anaconda API:

5. Upload package to Conda server

Now you are ready to upload all conda packages to the server using anaconda command:

anaconda upload PACKAGE.tar.bz2

For example, upload package for linux-64 platform:

anaconda upload $HOME/conda-bld/linux-64/*.tar.bz2

6. Testing

When it is done without error messages, you can now try installing a package via conda command.

conda install PACKAGE

Optional: Build script for routine job

To create, build, and upload package for all platform automatically, you can use the following bash script to do so:


array=( 3.5 3.6 3.7 )
platforms=( osx-64 linux-32 linux-64 win-32 win-64 )

### 1. create metal.yml

conda skeleton pypi $pkg

### 2. building conda packages

for i in "${array[@]}"
        conda-build --python $i $pkg

### 3. convert package to other platform

# CON_BLD="/home/nutt/anaconda3/envs/py37/conda-bld"

find $CON_BLD/linux-64/ -name *.tar.bz2 | while read file
    #conda convert --platform all $file  -o $HOME/conda-bld/

    for platform in "${platforms[@]}"
       conda convert --platform $platform $file  -o $CON_BLD/

### 4. upload packages to conda

find $CON_BLD/ -name *.tar.bz2 | while read file
    anaconda upload $file

Error and Fixing

  • Error about "Unicode string"

String in meta.yml file should be supported by conda-build, if you get error about "Unicode string", you can avoid this error by putting the string to " ... ", for example, the following string has colon (:) which is not supported by conda-build:


  summary: My Pacakge: New package


  summary: "My Pacakge: New package"

Rangsiman Ketkaew