Gaussian: Benchmark of G16 running on Intel Xeon Gold 6148

Gaussian: Benchmark of G16 running on Intel Xeon Gold 6148

In the early 2018, Gaussian released G16 B.01 after releasing revision A.03 on 2017. I did a benchmark of this latest version of G16 in density functional theory (DFT) calculation in comparison with the previous version, G09 revision E.01. As I read this post on It really inspires me to do this benchmark, which might be useful for consideration in choosing the Gaussian runtime.

To be fair, I adopted the Gaussian input file from previous benchmark. I separately calculated geometry optimization and frequency of Vomilenine using DFT method.

Computational details

  • Linux OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)
  • CPUs model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz (Total physical/logical cores = 20/40 cores)
  • Memory: 8 GB (for all calculations)
  • Software: G09 E.01 and G16 B.01
  • Parallel method: Shared memory (OpenMP method)

Input file

Input file can be obtained from

All calculations employed memory of 8GB. For G16 and G09, I leaved their calculation running with the default parameter. But, G09-tight, I run G09 with the keywords int=grid=untrafine and scf=tight, which increases the number of grid and enhanced integration accuracy from 10^-10 to 10^-12.

Benchmark results


Concluding remarks

  • My benchmark results show that G16 is running slower than G09 becuase default setting of G16 uses SCF convergence criteria and number of grid point higher than G09.
  • To force G09 to follow the default setting in G16, int=grid=ultrafine and scf=tight should be used. However, G09+these external keyword is still faster than G16.
  • New features in G16 is improving the performance of some method. The efficiency of most used method and SCF algorithm in G09 is, compared with G16, still powerful.
  • G16 does not significantly improve its speed in calculation, particularly DFT, you maybe can use G09 for your further calculation.
  • However, most of new features in G16 are state-of-the-art method that computational chemist has in present.

Rangsiman Ketkaew