Installation of GROMACS 2016 via yum

GROMACS 2016 can be now installed using yum command on CentOS or other OS.

Use command yum to find the available packages of GROMACS.

sudo yum list gromacs*

The output is

Available Packages
gromacs.x86_64                                                                  2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel
gromacs-common.noarch                                                           2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel
gromacs-devel.x86_64                                                            2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel
gromacs-doc.noarch                                                              2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel
gromacs-libs.x86_64                                                             2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel
gromacs-mpich.x86_64                                                            2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel
gromacs-openmpi.x86_64                                                          2016.4-1.el7                                                          epel

Then we choose the first one, gromacs.x86_64. Type the following command for installing.

sudo yum install gromacs.x86_64

Wait for a while.

Below is name list of dependency packages that GROMACS needs.

 gromacs                                    x86_64                           2016.4-1.el7                            epel                           215 k
Installing for dependencies:
 fftw-libs-double                           x86_64                           3.3.3-8.el7                             base                           759 k
 fftw-libs-single                           x86_64                           3.3.3-8.el7                             base                           766 k
 gromacs-common                             noarch                           2016.4-1.el7                            epel                           793 k
 gromacs-libs                               x86_64                           2016.4-1.el7                            epel                            11 M
 libICE                                     x86_64                           1.0.9-9.el7                             base                            66 k
 libSM                                      x86_64                           1.2.2-2.el7                             base                            39 k
 lmfit                                      x86_64                           6.1-3.el7                               epel                            20 k
 tng                                        x86_64                           1.8.2-1.el7                             epel                           128 k

When the installation is completed, you can run GROMACS using gmx command.
