Installation of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 update 3

Intel® Parallel Studio XE

Intel Parallel Studio XE is a software development product developed by Intel that facilitates native code development on Windows, macOS and Linux in C++/C and Fortran for parallel computing. This software suite also includes the message passing interface (MPI) and math kernel library (MKL) entirely developed by Intel.

Several benchmark testing the performance of C++ and Fortran compilers have shown that Intel compiler is very powerful. For example, this article shows the comparison of C++ compilers in compilation speed and performance of compiled code. In summary, Intel is at least 1.5 time relative to G++ compiler.

Intel® Parallel Studio XE Now Free for Student and Educator

Intel has been providing Intel® Parallel Studio XE (IPSX) suite. The latest stable version of Intel Parallel Studio XE that released on the day I write this post is Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2018 update 3. Price for commercial or company license of this version is about 11,000 - 25,000 $. However, for education, student (at least 18 years old) and educator can get this suite in free of charges.

Intel just released out the 2019 BETA update 1 of IPSX. You can try this version and help Intel to improve their software by sending the feedback or comments after your evaluation. The link to a home page of this suite is Please note that the beta program officially ends July 19, 2018 and beta licenses expire October 11, 2018.

Software Download

The followings are step-by-step registration of Intel account.

  1. Firstly, you have to register Intel account with your institute e-mail, e.g., Also note that the company e-mail domain like and are not allowed. Student may probably contact the staff of library at a campus.
  2. Login to Intel product portal using a verified account. You can browse and choose which the software suites you want to download, then Intel will send you an e-mail with a serial number.
  3. Follow instruction provided in the e-mail Intel sent you way for downloading program installer as well as a serial number and validate date.
  4. For more details, visit this fantastic website:
  5. Copy a download link and use wget command to download a program source code to your Linux, for example,
wget /link/location/of/parallel_studio_xe_2018_update3_cluster_edition.tgz


1. Operating System

    • Debian* 8, 9
    • Fedora* 25, 26
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux* 6, 7 (the equivalent CentOS* versions are supported, but not separately tested)
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server* 11, 12
    • Ubuntu* 14.04, 16.04, 17.04

2. RAM memory: 2 GB

3. Free disk space: 16

    • 4 GB for a compressed source code
    • 12 GB for installed Intel Parallel Studio XE) GB

4. Bash or C-shell interpreter

5. Serial number (get from e-mail that Intel sent you)

Installation Instruction

The followings are the installation instruction step-by-step of install Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2018 Update 3. I tested this installation on RHEL 7 with my student license. It can also be installed on RHEL-based distribution, for example, RHEL and CentOS.

1. Uncompress the tgx tarball

tar -xzvf parallel_studio_xe_2018_update3_cluster_edition.tgz

2. Navigate to IPSX directory and run script

cd parallel_studio_xe_2018_update3_cluster_edition

3. Select Run as current user (Select 1 if you are root and 2 if you are sudo)

3 & enter

4. Select 6 to proceed installation

6 & enter

5. Read agreement document and information. Then type accept to proceed installation

accept & enter

6. Type 1 if you want to consent your information, if not type 2

2 & enter

7. Installer will be checking the prerequisites. Wait for a while.

8. Select 1 to activate IPSX using a serial number

1 & enter

9. Type your serial number and enter to proceed.


10. Wait a second until serial number checking is finished.

11. Enter to finish configuration installation

1 & enter

12. Pre-install package summary appears, type q to quit.

13. Enter to start installation and wait for 5 - 10 minutes.

14. If installation is finished, the dialog appears with following messages.

Thank you for installing Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2018 Update 3
Cluster Edition for Linux*.

Setting Up the Build Environment for MPI and MKL, and C++ & Fortran compiler

1. General Parallel Studio XE environment set up

Suppose that $INTEL_ROOT is set to Intel PSX top directory.

source $INTEL_ROOT/parallel_studio_xe_2018/

2. MPI environment set up

Refers to shell script in the MPI top directory ($MPI_ROOT), the script is located in $MPI_ROOT/intel64/bin/

source $MPI_ROOT/intel64/bin/

3. MKL environment set up

Refers to shell script in the MKL top directory ($MKL_ROOT), the script is located in $MKL_ROOT/intel64/bin/

The following command for intel64 and 8 byte integers, use lp64 instead for 4 bytes integer.

source $MKL_ROOT/bin/ intel64 ilp64

Use mkl_help for help

4. ++ & Fortran compiler environment set up

Refers to shell script in the top directory of IPSX, the script is located in $INTEL_ROOT/bin/

source $INTEL_ROOT/bin/ -arch intel64 -platform linux

** The following commands are advisable when calling MPI in order to unlock amount of memory.

ulimit -l unlimited

To check if memory is set to unlimited, just type following command without any optional setting.

ulimit -l

The output of this command should say unlimited.

Path environment variable setting.

1. Append the following command lines to your $HOME/.bashrc file.

export INTEL_LINUX=$HOME/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2018/compilers_and_libraries_2018/linuxexport 
export PATH=$INTEL_LINUX/bin/intel64/:$INTEL_LINUX/mpi/intel64/bin:$PATH
export I_MPI_ROOT="$HOME/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2018/compilers_and_libraries_2018/linux/mpi"
export MPI_ROOT="$I_MPI_ROOT/intel64"

2. Activate .bashrc using command

source $HOME/.bashrc

Enjoy your IPSX !



Rangsiman Ketkaew