Gaussian: Start to Practice Computational Chemistry

    I am going to start this post with a simple example of computational chemistry, in which the beginner should know about computational chemistry. When computational chemists want to study the electronic structure or chemical properties of molecules, they have to model and optimize the geometry of the molecule first. Then they continue to compute the electronic properties using a certain theoretical technique. In reality, we cannot compute the calculation by hand because the mathematical equation is complicated. Instead, we use the program or software to help us to perform the calculation.

Geometry Optimization

Potential Energy Surface (PES)

    Molecular geometry optimization is the minimization of the energy of a molecule to find its stable form. We first consider the potential energy surface of the typical molecule as shown in Figure 1. 

So the minimization of energy getting the coordinate for structure is assumed in Cartesian coordinate (XYZ format) as following equation 1.

Figure 1. Potential Energy Surface (PES)

Energy Minimization

    The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is used to reduce the complexity cost of computation. The geometry of a molecule at zero absolute temperature (temp = 273.5 K) corresponds to the minimum of the total energy:

coordinate (x,y,z) = min (< \psi | \hat(H) | \psi(*) >)        Eq 1.

where the wave function and its twin are conjugated with each other and H is the Hamiltonian operator. Therefore, the process of finding the coordinate that minimizes the energy is known in the trade as molecular geometry optimization, which is usually the first step in the calculation of the flowchart displayed in Figure 2.

    We know that the steepest ascent direction of any pathway is called gradient which is 1st derivative of energy. Also, the 1st derivative of the gradient is Hessian we would consider it as a judgment to identify the state of the molecule.

G_i = d(E_i)/d(r_i)        Eq 2.

H_ij = d(E_ij)/[d(r_i) d(r_j)]        Eq 3.

If the gradient is equal to zero and with another condition that 

if H can be evaluated

    then All H eigenvalues positive => Minimum point

    else All H eigenvalues negative => Maximum point

    else H eigenvalues of both signs => Saddle point (transition state)


Minimization method

Figure 2. Geometry optimization flowchart

Gaussian Input Preparation

    To do calculations, you have to give data to a program with the molecule and methods that you want to study and use. This initial information must be sufficient for computing. We call the code that can help us to calculate that "program", a file that includes the information of molecule that "input", and a file that include the results that "outout".  Most computational chemistry program packages have the same idea and concept. In this post, I introduce how to prepare input for the Gaussian program, invented by John A. Pople. Gaussian program is the role model of many codes at present. Since it has high performance and provides high accuracy results in a range of comparable experimental results, the whole scientists around the world choose Gaussian as the main program to conduct the research.

Structure of Input File

    The syntax or structure of Gaussian input is a friendly interface with the user even with who is novice in computational chemistry, and also can be written flexibly and easily adaptable. The way to create an input file is the following.

Syntax of input file: sample_of_input_file.inp




# Job task, method of calculation, and optional keyword are here

----- blank line -----

Comment is here, you can write anything on this line.

----- blank line -----

Charge and spin multiplicity of molecule

The first line of Cartesian coordinate (XYZ) of molecule





The last line of of Cartesian coordinate (XYZ) of molecule

The assignment of resource requirements is also important.

You have to define two things about machine performance.

1. How much memory do you want to use? = M

Example.    %mem=800MW



2. How many CPUs do you want to use? = N

Example.     %nprocs=1  (single cores/serial method)

                         %nprocs=4  (run in parallel method)

* Note that the memory unit can be KB, MB, GB, TB, KW, MW, GW or TW.

Example of Gaussian Input File

File: test001.inp

Geometry optimization of H2O molecule.




# TEST OPT STO-3G OPTCYC=2 scf=conventional


0 1

O 0.000 0.000 0.000

H 1.000 0.000 0.000

H 0.000 1.000 0.000

File: test002.inp

Single point energy calculation of O2 molecule.




#P TEST STO-3G COMPLEX pop=full scf=tight


0 1


O 1 R

R 1.220

* You should leave a few blank lines at the end of the input file.

Specify different basis set on different atom

    The following is an example of Gaussian input that assigns different basis sets on different atoms in the same calculation.




#P B3LYP/GEN gfinput IOP(6/7=3)


<charge> <spin mult> 

 Cu                 0.00000000    0.00000000    0.52583600

 O                  0.00000000    0.00000000   -1.41498800

 H                  0.00000000    0.80849900   -1.96466800

 C                  0.00000000   -0.80849900   -1.96466800



 H                  0.02000000    0.80849900   -1.96466800

C O H 0



Cu 0



For calculation using effective core potential (ECP) basis set, GENECP keyword must be appended as well as specifying basis set at the bottom of input.




#P B3LYP/GEN pseudo=read gfinout IOP(6/7=3)  ! same as #P B3LYP/GENECP gfinout IOP(6/7=3)


<charge> <spin mult> 

 Cu                 0.00000000    0.00000000    0.52583600

 O                  0.00000000    0.00000000   -1.41498800

 H                  0.00000000    0.80849900   -1.96466800

 C                  0.00000000   -0.80849900   -1.96466800



 H                  0.02000000    0.80849900   -1.96466800

C O H 0



Cu 0



Cu 0               ! The ECP will be used for this atom


Optimization output analysis

    In this part, I computed the geometry optimization of formaldehyde using the Hartree-Fock (HF) method with an STO-3G basis set.

Input deck is following

File: ch2o.inp

%chk=ch2o.chk                                   ! set path to save your checkpoint file.

%mem=1GB                                        ! Total memory usage

%nprocs=2                                       ! Core

#P OPT HF/STO-3G scf=tight pop=regular          ! Calculation set up

HF/STO-3G//HF/STO-3G formaldehyde            ! comment

0 1                                             ! charge & multiplicity

C1                                              ! atom coordinate for whole molecule in z-format

O2 1 r2

H3 1 r3 2 a3

H4 1 r3 2 a3 3 180.0




1. Beginning of output

Coordinate of molecule in Z-matrix format 

Symbolic Z-matrix:

 Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1


 O2                   1    r2

 H3                   1    r3       2    a3

 H4                   1    r3       2    a3       3     180.     0


  r2                    1.21672

  r3                    1.10137

  a3                  122.73667

Coordinate of molecule in XYZ format

                          Input orientation:


 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)

 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z


      1          6           0        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

      2          8           0        0.000000    0.000000    1.216723

      3          1           0        0.926436    0.000000   -0.595599

      4          1           0       -0.926436    0.000000   -0.595599


Chemical formula and symmetry

 Stoichiometry    CH2O

 Framework group  C2V[C2(CO),SGV(H2)]

 Deg. of freedom     3

 Full point group                 C2V     NOp   4

 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4

 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C2      NOp   2

The system is oriented such that the principal axis of the systems runs along the z-axis and that all atoms of the system are located in the yz-plane:

                         Standard orientation:


 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)

 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z


      1          6           0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.533912

      2          8           0        0.000000    0.000000    0.682811

      3          1           0        0.000000    0.926436   -1.129510

      4          1           0        0.000000   -0.926436   -1.129510


Detail in basis set. The number of basis functions is 12 functions.

 Standard basis: STO-3G (5D, 7F)

 Ernie: Thresh=  0.10000D-02 Tol=  0.10000D-05 Strict=F.

 There are     7 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of A1  symmetry.

 There are     0 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of A2  symmetry.

 There are     2 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of B1  symmetry.

 There are     3 symmetry adapted cartesian basis functions of B2  symmetry.

 There are     7 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.

 There are     0 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.

 There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.

 There are     3 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.

    12 basis functions,    36 primitive gaussians,    12 cartesian basis functions

     8 alpha electrons        8 beta electrons

Convergence criteria used for SCF calculation.

 Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within 128 cycles.

 Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.

 Requested convergence on             energy=1.00D-06.

2. Middle of output

SCF calculation

Details in SCF cycle step 1. The energy of formaldehyde given in cycle is -112.337159234657 A.U.

Cycle   1  Pass 1  IDiag  1:

 E= -112.337159234657

 DIIS: error= 3.66D-02 at cycle   1 NSaved=   1.

 NSaved= 1 IEnMin= 1 EnMin= -112.337159234657     IErMin= 1 ErrMin= 3.66D-02

 ErrMax= 3.66D-02  0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 1.96D-02 BMatP= 1.96D-02

 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 6.34D-01 WtEn= 3.66D-01

 Coeff-Com:  0.100D+01

 Coeff-En:   0.100D+01

 Coeff:      0.100D+01

 Gap=     0.609 Goal=   None    Shift=    0.000

 GapD=    0.609 DampG=2.000 DampE=0.500 DampFc=1.0000 IDamp=-1.

 RMSDP=1.34D-02 MaxDP=6.76D-02              OVMax= 0.00D+00

Lowest energy

    When the SCF does converge, Gaussian will print the energy of optimized structure.

You can use 'grep' command in Linux to search and print you out with entire optimized energies.

 SCF Done:  E(RHF) =  -112.354347141     A.U. after    9 cycles

            NFock=  9  Conv=0.93D-08     -V/T= 2.0089

 KE= 1.113601121083D+02 PE=-3.271252836584D+02 EE= 7.232359354491D+01

Molecular Orbital

    In Gaussian and other quantum chemistry program, molecular orbitals are generally printed by default. There are only four virtual orbitals and only those are printed. 

The orbital coefficients are given with respect to the molecule in its "Standard orientation" given in "Population analysis" deck in output file. 

Mulliken charge analysis

 Mulliken charges:


     1  C    0.074976

     2  O   -0.187948

     3  H    0.056486

     4  H    0.056486

Convergence met !

         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?

 Maximum Force            0.000008     0.000450     YES

 RMS     Force            0.000005     0.000300     YES

 Maximum Displacement     0.000019     0.001800     YES

 RMS     Displacement     0.000013     0.001200     YES

Optimized structural parameter*

    The deck below is an example of truncated gaussian output that provides you the optimized parameters that respect to your optimized molecule. 

The R, A, and D variables in each line are bond distance, atom angle, dihedral parameters, respectively,

    -- Stationary point found.


                           !   Optimized Parameters   !

                           ! (Angstroms and Degrees)  !

 --------------------------                            --------------------------

 ! Name  Definition              Value          Derivative Info.                !


 ! R1    R(1,2)                  1.2167         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

 ! R2    R(1,3)                  1.1014         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

 ! R3    R(1,4)                  1.1014         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

 ! A1    A(2,1,3)              122.7367         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

 ! A2    A(2,1,4)              122.7367         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

 ! A3    A(3,1,4)              114.5267         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

 ! D1    D(2,1,4,3)            180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !


 Final structure in terms of initial Z-matrix:









Enthalpy energy

    You can request Gaussian to compute thermochemistry parameter by adding "Freq" keyword.

If Freq was found, Gaussian will compute the vibrational frequency and relevant energies.

Thermochemistry results is at almost the end of output, in "Thermochemistry" block.

 Temperature   298.150 Kelvin.  Pressure   1.00000 Atm.

 Zero-point correction=                           0.031184 (Hartree/Particle)

 Thermal correction to Energy=                    0.034038

 Thermal correction to Enthalpy=                  0.034982

 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy=         0.010176

 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies=           -112.323163

 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies=              -112.320309

 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies=            -112.319365

 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies=         -112.344171

                     E (Thermal)             CV                S

                      KCal/Mol        Cal/Mol-Kelvin    Cal/Mol-Kelvin

 Total                   21.359              6.264             52.209

 Electronic               0.000              0.000              0.000

 Translational            0.889              2.981             36.130

 Rotational               0.889              2.981             16.026

 Vibrational             19.582              0.302              0.053

                       Q            Log10(Q)             Ln(Q)

 Total Bot       0.208549D-04         -4.680791        -10.777919

 Total V=0       0.460044D+10          9.662799         22.249418

 Vib (Bot)       0.454918D-14        -14.342067        -33.023830

 Vib (V=0)       0.100351D+01          0.001523          0.003507

 Electronic      0.100000D+01          0.000000          0.000000

 Translational   0.646199D+07          6.810366         15.681448

 Rotational      0.709431D+03          2.850910          6.564463

3. Ending output file

    At the end of an output file, you should see the quotation message and summary of job time without any error warning.

"Normal termination of Gaussian ..." phrase also confirms that your calculation is done successfully.



 Job cpu time:       0 days  0 hours  0 minutes  1.5 seconds.

 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=      5 Int=      0 D2E=      0 Chk=      1 Scr=      1

 Normal termination of Gaussian 09 at Thu May 24 20:36:37 2018.


Ilya Kuprov, University of Southampton, 2012

J. Nocedal, S.J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, Springer, 2006.

J.B. Foresman, A. Frisch, Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods, Gaussian, 1996.

Rangsiman Ketkaew