Molpro: Calculate Stationary Energy

Calculate Stationary Energy using Molpro

Preparation of Molpro Input File

Here is a Molpro input file, called energy.inp for calculating of stationary energy.

***,test-input-SE-molpro                                       !! <Comment with exclamation !>
!CCSD(T)/6-31+G*//b3lyp/6-31+G*                                !! <Comment with exclamation !>
!16GB 4cpu                                                     !! <Comment with exclamation !>
memory,9216,m                                                  !! <Set memory usage, 9216. m is 9216 000 000 words.
geomtyp=xyz                                                    !! <Type of coordinate system>
50                                                             !! <Number of atoms>
 C                  2.07590464    0.83807437    1.19631256     !! <Coordinate in XYZ>
 C                  2.81823679    1.14708900   -0.11365721
 V                  2.19985704    0.36467912   -1.27995158
 N                 -2.13448061    1.24730955   -0.42969797
 O                 -0.90244589    1.69315366   -0.34900540
end                                                             !! <End of molecule specification>
default,6-311+g(d,p)                                            !! <Define Basis set>
{hf                                                             !! <Calculation Task: single-point energy>
wf,97,1,1}                                                      !! < This line is setting of electronics info: WF,elec,sym,spin
                                                                !! 97 is number of electron. 
                                                                !! 1 is group symmetry C1. 
                                                                !! 1 is symmetry of spin, in this case is doublet
ccsd(t)                                                         !! <Method of calculation>

!End of input file

  • Comments can be added after "!" expression.

Running Molpro

molpro energy.inp -o energy.out

Molpro Manual

Rangsiman Ketkaew