Build High Performance LINPACK with BLAS and MPI

Build High Performance LINPACK with BLAS and MPI

The objective of this post is to build the High Performance LINPACK (HPL) with different configurations and different basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS) & massage passing interface (MPI) libraries:

  1. HPL + OpenBLAS + OpenMPI
  2. HPL + GotoBLAS2 + OpenMPI
  3. HPL + BLAS from Intel MKL + Intel MPI



  • OpenBLAS

You must install BLAS (any implementation) on your Linux platform before compiling HPL. You also should know where BLAS is installed.

1. Go to OpenBLAS official website and download source code.

2. Use following command to download zip file to your Linux. The download link has to end in tar.gz) to Linux


3. Untar file and save OpenBLAS directory in proper place. Probably your $HOME.

cd OpenBLAS-0.2.20

4. Compile source code using following command (OpenBLAS does not support f77, GCC or Intel are supported.)

make FC=gfortran 

If you use Intel Xeon Haswell (AVX2) platform, it might cause some problematic error, please add TARGET=SANDYBRIDGE to use Sandy Bridge instead.


5. When process is completed without error, following message should appear.


  OS               ... Linux
  Architecture     ... x86_64
  BINARY           ... 64bit
  C compiler       ... GCC  (command line : gcc)
  Fortran compiler ... GFORTRAN  (command line : gfortran)
  Library Name     ... libopenblas_sandybridgep-r0.2.20.a (Multi threaded; Max num-threads is 24)

To install the library, you can run "make PREFIX=/path/to/your/installation install". 

6. Install OpenBLAS in either the OpenBLAS-0.2.20 directory or new directory. For me, I created new directory and install executable there

mkdir /home/ragnsiman/OpenBLAS
make /home/rangsiman/OpenBLAS-0.2.20 install

Installation is finished very quickly

7. Check if there is BLAS libraries in directory that you installed OpenBLAS. For example,

ls /home/rangsiman/OpenBLAS/lib

8. Done

  • GotoBLAS2

1. Go to GotoBLAS2 website and browse source code.

2. Download source code (in *tar.gz) to Linux


3. Uncompress zip file and 'cd' to GotoBLAS2 directory.

tar -xzvf GotoBLAS2-1.13.tar.gz
cd GotoBLAS2

4. Type 'make' to build


If error occurs, try following command


5. libgoto2.a should be created and automatically linked to top-directory.

  • OpenMPI

Read this post for installation of OpenMPI:

For this HPL installation, I used OpenMPI 2.0.2.

1.1 Build HPL executable using BLAS

BLAS is part of HPL. Download and install the latest of HPL. I am using HPL version 2.2 of this installation.

1. Go to Netlib repository of HPL.

2. Browse hpl-VERSION.tar-gz and use following command to download this zip file to Linux

3. Uncompress the gzip file using following command

tar -xzvf hpl-2.2.tar.gz

4. Copy Make.<foo> file in setup directory to parent directory of HPL.

cp setup/Make.Linux_PII_CBLAS $HOME/hpl-2.2

5. Rename Make.Linux_PII_CBLAS to Make.<arch>, where <arch> is you Linux platform architecture (for example linux64).

mv Make.Linux_PII_CBLAS  Make.linux64

6. Edit Make.intel64 file. Point $TOPdir to top directory of HPL. For example,

70 TOPdir       = $(HOME)/hpl-2.2

8. Point MPI directory for MPdir and MPI libraries sub-directory for MPlib. For example,

84 MPdir        = /usr/local/mpi/openmpi-2.0.2
85 MPinc        = -I$(MPdir)/include
86 MPlib        = $(MPdir)/lib/libmpi.a

For OpenMPI use "libmpi.a" instead of "libmpich.a". Make sure that this library*.a file is in $OPENMPI/lib directory.

If you have no static library (*.a), shared-object library (*.so) can be used but you have to add that library into LD_LIBRARY_PATH before compile.

86 MPlib        = $(MPdir)/lib/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/of/directory/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

9. Edit Linear Algebra library configuration as following, for example, OpenBLAS

95 LAdir        = $(HOME)/OpenBLAS
96 LAinc        =
97 LAlib        = $(LAdir)/lib/libopenblas.a

10. Edit C compiler

169 CC           = mpicc
176 LINKER       = mpicc

11. Build HPL executable, use following command

make arch=linux64

This compilation will take several minutes.

12. If install is finished successfully, there will be HPL executable called xhpl in HPL_TOP/bin/<arch> directory, for example,

ls hpl-2.2/bin/linux64/xhpl

HPL input file called HPL.dat will also be created.

1.2 Running HPL

Navigate to compiled executable. Use following command to determine performance of HPL with MPI

mpirun -np N xhpl > xhpl_results_linux64

where N is number of MPI processes

The performance parameter given in HPL.dat input file can be (and should be) adjusted for evaluation or production test.

You can compare your benchmark results Rmax with the estimated results based on your computer spec.

2.1 Build HPL executable using Intel Compilers and MKL and MPI libraries

1. Install Intel Parallel Studio XE for Linux (free of charge for student or educator or lecturer or even open-source developer)

2. Like building HPL executable by using BLAS and MPI, Intel Parallel Studio XE suite also provided the necessary package for compiling LINPACK, such as optimized MPI and linear algebra implementation, which provided in MKL suite.

Suppose that the top directory of Intel Parallel Studio XE is /home/rangsiman/intel and set as $INTEL_TOP environment variable.

  • MKL that corresponding to BLAS is available at $INTEL_TOP/mkl
  • MPI that corresponding to OpenMPI or MPICH2 is available at $INTEL_TOP/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl

3. Create new Make.<arch> file for intel64 platform, for example, copy and rename to Make.intel64

cp Make.Linux_PII_CBLAS  Make.intel64

4. Edit Make.intel64 file by following step 6 - 10 in Build HPL executable using BLAS section and do not forget to change compiler from mpicc to mpiicc

You must carefully specify the path and library of MKL and MPI in Make.intel64 file correctly.

5. Compile HPL executable using following command

make arch=INTEL64

It can take several minutes.

2.2 Running Benchmark

To run HPL benchmark using xhpl executable which built by Intel MKL and MPI, you must make sure that their libraries have been added to PATH, as well as LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. Also you should execute and (available in Intel Parallel Studio XE directory) for setting up necessary environment variables before calling MKL and MPI.

3. Intel Optimized LINPACK Benchmark for Linux

To run HPl benchmark provided by Intel MKL Benchmark library, browse benchmark folder in mkl.

Execute a binary file to run benchmark


Results will be saved as a text file called xhpl_intel64_dynamic_outputs.txt.

Rangsiman Ketkaew